关于突触前与突触后α受体的概念及α_1和α_2受体的分类,在近十年来又重新引起人们对α受体和作用于α受体的药物的兴趣。本文将重点论述α_2受体。分类1948年Ahlquist 将肾上腺素受体分为α及β受体,以说明某些拟交感胺类药物的作用,此分类在1958年由Powell 和Moran 等应用二氯异丙肾上腺素阻滞β受体而确立。Furch-gott 和Lands 等又将β受体分为β_1及β_2受体,这一分类亦已被承认,并具有治疗意义。在发现位于去甲肾上腺素能神经末梢上的突触前膜α_2受体后,认为有必要将α受体也进行类似的分类。在此以前,经典的α受体就是所谓突触后受体。以后发现在家兔心脏和猫脾脏的
The concept of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic alpha receptors and the classification of alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptors have renewed interest in alpha receptors and drugs acting on alpha receptors in the last decade. This article will focus on alpha 2 receptors. Classification In 1948 Ahlquist classified adrenergic receptors as alpha and beta receptors to account for the role of some sympathomimetic drugs that were blocked by the use of isoproterenol by Powell and Moran in 1958 Body and established. Furch-gott and Lands in turn the β receptor is divided into β_1 and β_2 receptors, this classification has also been recognized, and has therapeutic implications. After finding the presynaptic alpha 2 receptors on noradrenergic nerve terminals, it is considered necessary to classify alpha receptors similarly. Prior to this, the classical alpha receptor is the so-called postsynaptic receptor. Later found in rabbits heart and cat spleen