随着国标GB T 50378-2014《绿色建筑评价标准》和广东省标准《绿色住区评价标准》的出台,住宅建筑的隔声性能再次被列为控制项强制条文,充分反映了住宅建筑隔声已成为重要的环境和社会问题并逐渐被广泛关注。通过对广东省近三年送检的住宅建筑隔声构造及材料检测数据进行分析,横向对比广东省当前住宅建筑影响隔声效果的主要构造及材料性能水平,以期能对同类住宅建筑隔声设计和建设提供参考。
With the national standard GB T 50378-2014 “green building evaluation criteria” and the Guangdong Provincial Standard “green residential evaluation standards” promulgated, residential building sound insulation performance is again listed as a mandatory control provisions, fully reflects the residential building sound insulation Has become an important environmental and social issues and gradually widespread concern. Based on the analysis of the sound insulation structure and material testing data of residential buildings submitted in Guangdong Province in recent three years, the author compares the main structures and material performance levels that affect the sound insulation effect of the current residential buildings in Guangdong Province horizontally, with a view to the sound insulation design of similar residential buildings And provide reference for construction.