Conventional wells are drilled near the Chachalou-la salt fields in southern Louisiana, which require directional drilling from the central platform due to the wetlands. In these wells, wellbore failures such as instability and loss of the wellbore often occur. Some wells use multiple sidetracks to reach the target formation while others do not reach the target formation, ie, abandoned wells. In this regard, two wells were drilled using CwD techniques, similar to wells drilled using conventional techniques. The two wells successfully drilled to the target level, saving 25% of the cost of the second well compared to the average cost of the adjacent wells. The two CwD wells were all directional controlled using rotary guidance technology and drilled through heavily inclined rock formations. Casing drilling operations include cement backfilling, sidetracking, and downhole tools that fail during two recovery operations. During the above operations have not played casing, reflecting the versatility of casing drilling technology.