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土地征收在概念上的主要内容是国家为了社会公共利益的需要,按照相应的法律规定对批准上的权限以及程序,作出法律条例上的制定与出台。条例内容中包括个人或是集体所有的土地会直接转换为国家所有,但是国家会相应的给集体或者个人进行一定经济上的补偿。土地在征收过程中,大量的农村土地会直接转换为城市用地,此时如果没有将征收过程中遇到的问题进行科学的处理,很有可能会因为安置与经济补偿上的问题,引发较为严重的社会冲突所以我国政府为了避免这种情况的发生,应该积极完善监督机制对土地违法上的管理。对城市房屋征地制度的建立,进行了内容上的探析,仅供相关人士的参考与借鉴。 The main content of the concept of land acquisition is the state needs for the public interest in the community, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations on the approval of the authority and procedures, to make laws and regulations on the formulation and promulgation. The contents of the regulations, including individual or collectively-owned land, will be directly converted into state-owned land, but the state will provide certain financial compensation to the collective or individual accordingly. During the process of expropriation of land, a large amount of rural land will be directly converted into urban land. If the problems encountered in the expropriation are not dealt with in a scientific manner at this time, it is very likely that this will lead to serious problems due to resettlement and economic compensation Therefore, in order to avoid this kind of situation, the government of our country should actively improve the supervision mechanism of illegal land management. The establishment of urban housing land acquisition system, conducted a content analysis, only for reference and reference.
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