我国地方现行行政区划和设置的基本框架是 50年代确立的。经过 50年的发展和积累 ,各地经济建设取得了巨大的成就 ,交通、通讯能力大为提高 ;并且随着改革的推进、市场经济体制的建立 ,政府行政职能、管理方式也发生了很大的转变 ,从而使我国地方现行行政区划和设置已越来越凸显出局限性。建议对我国地方现行行政区划和设置进行改革。
The basic framework of the current administrative divisions and settings in our country was established in the 1950s. After 50 years of development and accumulation, the economic construction in all places has made tremendous achievements and the transportation and communications capabilities have been greatly enhanced. With the advent of reforms and the establishment of a market economy system, the functions and management of the government have also taken a great leap forward. Change, so that our current local administrative divisions and settings have become increasingly prominent limitations. It is suggested that we reform the current administrative divisions and settings in our country.