Using the CCSD (T) / aug-cc-pVTZ ab initio method, we scan the electron ground state potentials of some special configurations of 犤 He3H 犦 + molecules and use them as a basis for the interaction of the three-body interaction between noble gas proton clusters The results show that even in such a simple system, the influence of the three-body interaction can not be neglected.On the other hand, only the potential energy is developed to tris The interaction term can provide more accurate information of interaction, but the effect of the higher order function in the strong repulsion region becomes more and more prominent.In this paper, we also discuss the steady-state structure of 犤 He4H 犦 +. 犤 He3H 犦 + 犤 + The steady-state structure of He4H 表 + shows that there is a 犤 He2H 犦 + core in 犤 HenH 犦 + clusters.