近观彭国昌的山水画作,给人印象颇深。画面中那突兀的山峰、茂密的丛林、潺潺的溪水、变幻的云海、纵横的气势……着实令人遐思飞扬,颇有王微“望秋云,神飞扬;临春风,思浩荡”之感。 彭国昌,河北美术出版社画册编辑室编辑,圈内人士习称老彭。其实老彭并不老,这种习称反映了彭国昌与人们之间的一种融洽、亲密、随和的关系。 彭国昌喜绘画,尤擅山水。他的山水画朴实敦厚,气势雄浑。他既师法传统,又师法自然。作品构图饱满,极少留白,也反映了彭国昌在做人方面的纯粹与彻底。清代王昱日:“学画者,先贵立品。立品之
Close view of Peng Guo-chang landscape painting, impressive. The picture of the towering peaks, dense jungle, gurgling streams, changing sea of clouds, vertical and horizontal momentum ... really reverie flying, quite Wang Wei “look Qiuyun, God flying; spring, thinking mighty” feeling . Peng Guo Chang, editor of Hebei Art Publishing House album editorial, insiders learn Laopin. In fact, Lao Peng is not old, this practice reflects Peng Guochang and people between a harmonious, intimate, easy-going relationship. Peng Guo Chang Xi painting, especially good at landscapes. His landscape painting simple honest, powerful. He is a teacher of traditional law, but also natural law. Composition of the composition is full, very few white, but also reflects Peng Guochang’s life as a purer and thorough. Qing Wang Yu-day: "learn to draw, first of your product legislation