目的 探讨医科大学生的心理卫生状况。方法 采用 SCL-90对 562名医科大学生的心理卫生状况进行了测试 ,并与中国常模青年组作对照。结果 医科大学生的 SCL-90总均分、阳性项目数及阳性均分均偏高 ;其心理障碍发生率为1 8.3 % ,其中毕业班最高 (2 3 .5% ) ;心理问题的内容以人际关系、偏执、抑郁、敌对、焦虑、强迫等居多。结论 医科大学生存在的心理障碍高于非大学生同龄人 ,因此在高校中应普及心理卫生知识 ,针对性地开展心理咨询。
Objective To investigate the status of medical college students’ mental health. Methods SCL-90 was used to test the mental health of 562 medical undergraduates and compared with the Chinese norm youth group. Results The average score of SCL-90, the number of positive items and the positive mean score of SCL-90 in medical college students were all high. The incidence of psychological disorder was 18.3%, of which the highest was college graduates (23.5%). The content of psychological problems was based on interpersonal Relationship, paranoid, depression, hostility, anxiety, coercion and other mostly. Conclusion Medical college students are more likely to have mental disorders than non-college students, so they should popularize mental health knowledge and conduct counseling in a targeted manner.