永定区地处湖南省西北部,武陵山脉腹地,属亚热带季风性湿润气候区,温、光、水、气资源丰富,全年温度≥10℃,积温在4 500~5 300℃,持续220~250d,无霜期270d左右,年均日照时数1 449.6h,年均降水量1 450mm左右。Y两优143是国家杂交稻工程技术研究中心用抗稻瘟病强优势恢复系P143与广适型两系不育系Y58S配组育成的两系杂交水稻新组合,2012年通过广东省审定和海
Located in the northwestern part of Hunan Province and the hinterland of Wuling Mountain, Yongding District is a subtropical humid monsoon climate zone with abundant temperature, light, water and gas resources. The annual temperature is ≥10 ℃ and the accumulated temperature is from 4 500 to 5 300 ℃ for 220 ~ 250d, the frost-free period is around 270d, the average annual sunshine duration is 1 449.6h and the average annual precipitation is about 1 450mm. Y Liangyou 143 is a new two-line hybrid rice combination developed by National Center for Hybrid Rice Engineering and Technology with strong restorer line P143 of resistance to rice blast and wide-adapted two-line male sterile line Y58S. In 2012, it passed the examination of Guangdong Province and the sea