泰山在文化方面的厚重是著名的。它在赢得世界自然遗产的同时,也获得了世界文化遗产的桂冠。世界文化遗产保护公约对文化遗产有着明确的规定:凡是从历史学、艺术学和科学观点看来,具有突出普遍价值的文物、建筑群和名胜地,均属文化遗产。那么,泰山有哪些文物和建筑群具有突出普遍的史学、科学和艺术价值呢/ 泰山在炎黄子孙的心目中始终占有神圣的位置,在五千年的华夏文明中,积淀了丰厚的历史文化,成为古老中华文明不可或缺的组成部分。历史学家说,泰山是中华民族历史的局部缩影;哲学家说,泰山文化是中国传统文化中“天人合一”思想最形象的代表;考古学家称,泰山是个大文物;文学家说,泰山是中华民族的精神家园;而老百姓则说,泰山是座
Tarzan is famous for its heavy culture. It won the world’s natural heritage at the same time, also won the title of world cultural heritage. The Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural Heritage contains clear stipulations on cultural heritage: cultural relics, architectural complexes and places of interest that have outstanding universal value from a historical, artistic and scientific point of view belong to the cultural heritage. So, what are the ancient Taishan cultural relics and buildings have a prominent universal historical, scientific and artistic value? / Taishan in the hearts of the descendants always occupy the sacred position in 5000 years of Chinese civilization, the accumulation of rich historical and cultural, Become an integral part of ancient Chinese civilization. Historians say Taishan is a microcosm of the history of the Chinese nation. Philosophers say Taishan culture represents the most imagery of “harmony between man and nature” in Chinese traditional culture. Archaeologists say Taishan is a large cultural relic; literature The family said Taishan is the spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation while the common people said Taishan is the seat