Triaxiality and shape coexistence in the A ~ 30 “island of inversion”nuclei

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youxiing
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Understanding the properties of nuclei inside “island of inversion” is still an interesting issue. Based on a simple Nilsson model with a new set of isospin-dependent parameters, and with non-axial deformations considered, we have performed three-dimensional potential-energy-surface calculations for Ne, Na, Mg and Al isotopes that are claimed to be in or nearby the A~30 island of inversion“. It is found that shape coexistence and triaxial deformation(or softness) exist in these nuclei. Large deformations are obtained by the improved Nilsson parameters, which explains the observed large electric quadrupole transition probabilities. The large deformations happening in30 Ne,31Na,32 Mg and33Al indicate the quenching of the spherical N = 20 neutron shell gap. The calculations of nuclear binding and two-neutron separation energies have been also improved with the isospin-dependent parameters and the inclusion of the non-axial deformation degree of freedom. Based on a simple Nilsson model with a new set of isospin-dependent parameters, and with non-axial deformations considered, we have performed three-dimensional potential -energy-surface calculations for Ne, Na, Mg and Al isotopes that are claimed to be in or nearby the A ~ 30 island of inversion ”. It is found that shape coexistence and triaxial deformation (or softness) exist in these nuclei. Large deformations are obtained by the improved Nilsson parameters, which explains the observed large electric quadrupole transition probabilities. The large deformations happen in 30 Ne, 31Na, 32Mg and 33AlADD the quenching of the spherical N = 20 neutron shell gap. The calculations of nuclear binding and two-neutron separation energies have been also improved with the isospin-dependent parameters and the inclusion of the non-axial deformation degree of freedom.
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