Patient, female, 42 years old, in 1986.7 because of nasal dry discomfort, burning to our clinic, check double nasal ventilation, each turbinate is not hypertrophy, the channel is clear, no nasal secretions, normal olfactory, bilateral Dry nasal mucosa congestion, nasal septum mucosal mild erosion, covered with a little yellow dry scab, diagnosis of dry rhinitis, given 2.5% streptomycin compound mint paraffin oil nasal drops treatment. After taking medicine in the clinic first 2.5% streptomycin drops of nasal 2 to 3 drops, dropping about five minutes after the patient feels palpitation, limbs cold and sweat, numbness can not stand, accompanied by gas tight. Patient pale, mentally retarded, wet skin, extremities cold, cyanotic lips, shortness of breath accompanied by inspiratory dyspnea and throat wheezing, pulse palpable R30 beats / min, heart rate 120 beats / min, law Qi , Weak heart sounds, blood pressure 8.2 / 5.6kpa, lungs can smell a little wheeze. immediately