苏联共产党曾经是世界上用马克思列宁主义理论武装起来的,有高度政治觉悟、严格组织纪律和坚强战斗力的第一支无产阶级先锋队。然而,经过70多年的执政岁月,它逐步腐败变质,严重脱离了苏联人民群众。苏共的崩溃和苏联的解体说明:是否能始终代表最广大人民的根本利益,是关系到无产阶级执政党兴衰成败的重要问题。 一 历史上的苏联共产党,在列宁和斯大林领导下,同国内外阶级敌人进行了艰苦卓绝
The former Soviet Communist Party was the first vanguard of the proletariat armed with the theory of Marxism-Leninism in the world and with a high degree of political awareness, strict organization of discipline and strong combat effectiveness. However, after more than 70 years in power, it gradually corrupted and deteriorated, leaving the people of the Soviet Union seriously. The collapse of the CPSU and the dissolution of the Soviet Union show that whether or not they can always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people is an important issue that concerns the success or failure of the proletarian ruling party. Under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, a historic Soviet Communist Party conducted an arduous task with the class enemies both at home and abroad