【摘 要】
The results of mathematical modelling of unsteady flow conditions coupled with specific sediment transport relations are presented here. Simultaneous solutions
【机 构】
【出 处】
International Journal of Sediment Research
The results of mathematical modelling of unsteady flow conditions coupled with specific sediment transport relations are presented here. Simultaneous solutions of the de Saint Venant equations with three different transport relations, namely the Engelund-
随着我国加入WTO及世界经济一体化 ,我国在医药流通领域的管制将于 2 0 0 5年全方位放开。本文以全球竞争视野概述了国内外医药流通领域的现状 ,通过我国医药流通领域的代表
An understanding of the transport mechanism of gravel-bed rivers is very important for the river management and engineering works. The main objective of this st
Border crossing in English, as a phenomenon in post-industrialized society, refers to forms of English in one situation are crossing borders into other ones. Th
<正> (1)雷公炮炙论提要刘宋时的雷,发明制剂学,后世本草关于修治的一项,炮、炙、煎、熬,多引据他的说法,奉为准则,成今日制造汤液、醪醴、丸、散、膏、丹等的濫觞。他所著的
Dictation is a traditional but still widely applied method to teach language vocabulary,grammar structures and other language skills.Because of the teachers’ne