Gulliver’s Travels

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  Jonathan Swift is an Anglo-Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet and cleric. He is regarded by the Encyclopedia Britannica as the foremost prose satirist in the English language, and he is also known for being a master of two types of satire: the Horatian and Juvenalian styles. Swift’s greatest satire work, Gulliver’s Travels, was published in a 1726, which is considered to be both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travelers' tales" literary sub-genre. The book became popular since it published, just like John Gay, an English poet and dramatist, said "It is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery, for adults enjoy its irony and wit, and children interest in delightfully funny adventure tales of this book.
  Gulliver’s Travels recounts the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a practical-minded Englishman trained as a surgeon who takes to the seas when his business fails. In a deadpan first-person narrative that rarely shows any signs of self-reflection or deep emotional response, Gulliver narrates the adventures that befall him on these four travels.
  Gulliver’s first adventure begins in Lialliput when he wakes after his shipwreck to find himself bound by innumerable tiny threads and addressed by tiny captors. Latter, Gulliver is presented to the emperor, and eventually Gulliver becomes a national resource, used by the army in its war against the people of their enemy. But things change when Gulliver is convicted of treason for putting out a fire in the royal palace with his urine and is condemned to be shot in the eyes and starved to death. Gulliver escapes to Blefuscu, where he is able to repair a boat he finds and set sail for England.
  Gulliver’s next sea voyage, which takes him to a land of giants called Brobdingnag. Here, all of people in Brobdingnag are giants. A farmer discovers him and initially treats him as little more than an animal, and he eventually sells Gulliver to the queen, who is entertained by his musical talents. On a trip to the frontier, accompanying the royal couple, Gulliver leaves Brobdingnag when his cage is plucked up by an eagle and dropped into the sea.
  Next, Gulliver sets sail again and, after an attack by pirates, ends up in Laputa, where scientific research undertaken in it seems totally inane and impractical, and its residents too appear wholly out of touch with reality. After visiting the Luggnaggians and the Struldbrugs, the latter of which are senile immortals who prove that age does not bring wisdom, he is able to sail to and from there back to England.   Finally, on his fourth journey, Gulliver arrives in an unknown land. This land is populated by Houyhnhnms, rational-thinking horses who rule, and by Yahoos, brutish humanlike creatures who serve the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver sets about learning their language. He is treated with great courtesy and kindness by the horses. He wants to stay with the Houyhnhnms, but his bared body reveals to the horses that he is very much like a Yahoo, and he is grief-stricken but agrees to leave.
  The 18th century is an age of Enlightenment. Many scientific discoveries were emerged with the effort of scientists, and rational spirits spread in the whole Europe, however, Gulliver’s Travels, unlikely mainstreaming literature at that time, is more likely the opposite of rationalism. The author wrote stories with fantastic imagination. Throughout vividly portrayal of local conditions and customs of Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa and Houyhnhnme these four places, it is not so hard to find Utopian vision existed in this novel, Swift reflects then-European political and social condition, and depict his ideal kingdom in Utopian vision, For example, Lilliput represents England and European countries’ political corruption at that time. People in Lilliput are greed, selfish and lack of morality, while people in Brobdingnag are simple, honest and unspoiled. They lead in a simple life and feel comfort with their condition, just like ancient city-state citizens, strong and moral. Laputa is a Ireland where resident in such a group of people, such as king and his followers, who think about mathematic and musical problems all day which is far away from reality and hold a careless attitude to their wives and kids. It is said to be that Swift use these people to ridicule Royal Society of London at that time, and it also tells us Swift holds a skeptical attitude to science and rationalism. In Houyhnhnms. the roles between people and horse are reversed. The horse rules human. The Houyhnhnms seems like model citizens, while Yahoos is humble, cruel and lack of moral. Gulliver’s intense grief when he is forced to leave them suggests that they have made an impact on him greater than that of any other society he has visited. His derangement on Don Pedro’s ship, in which he snubs the generous man as a Yahoo-like creature, implies that he strongly identifies with the Houyhnhnms and feels disappointed by human. Houyhnhnms, indeed, is like an echo of Plato’s Republic where dreamed in the rejection of light entertainment. Throughout these four places, Swift used the Utopian vision to criticize then-society and build his “Republic
  Gulliver’s Travels is a misanthropic anatomy of human nature; a sardonic looking-glass. Critics have suggested that Swift intended the novel to be both an attack on mankind and its follies and an honest assessment of mankind’s positive and negative qualities. It is also considered a critique of the greatest moral, philosophical, scientific, and political ideas of Swift’s time. The greatest and most lasting accomplishment of Gulliver’s Travels may be its ability to encourage readers of any society at any time to raise important questions about mankind’s limitations, how we can structure our institutions to bring out the best in people, and what it means to be human.
  毕慕昀 女 湖南 常德 1993年9月28生 天津工业大学英语专业翻译方向 300387
成都市工业职业技术学校物流系  【摘 要】2009年,四川省委、省政府推出了“藏区“9+3”免费职业教育计划”,即在国家九年义务教育的基础上让众多四川藏区学生赴内地各重点职业学校学习,为他们提供3年免费职业教育的计划。藏区学生从农牧区来到内地后,从生理、心理都有不适应,加之性格特点,导致学习、生活适应慢、困难大,从而增加了管理的难度。在对“9+3”学生充分了解,参与“9+3”班级管理,进行了详细调
很多同事都反映,语文课堂气氛沉闷不够活跃,尤其是当提问到学生时,他们的积极性不够高。笔者也是一高中语文教师,对这种情况可谓是身同感受。究其原因是“以高考为核心的考试文化遮蔽了教育的原生性目的”,增加了学生学习的功利性思想。高中语文学习在学生心理的地位堪忧。如何改变这一现状,让学生重新热爱这门学科,笔者结合教学实践,浅谈以下几点想法:  一、教法要新,激发学生的学习兴趣  课堂教学中教师根据所授教材
【摘 要】通常,我们称那些在品行或学习方面暂时落后的学生为后进生。他们虽然为数不多,但因常犯错误且学习落后给班级管理带来许多不利影响。为转化这些后进生,我在工作中做了大量 的努力,就后进生的转化工作我采取了以下的办法:一、用“爱心”去融化学生心灵的障碍;二、用“耐心”去培育学生的意志;三、抓住后进生的闪光点,帮助学生树立“信心”。  【关键词】后进生 转化  作好后进生的转化工作是班主任教育管理班
【摘 要】中职教育对中国工业生产,社会稳定和发展以及构建和谐社会事业有着举足轻重的作用。但是我国职业教育起步晚,理论探讨与研究尚不深入,观念、理念仍存在着种种误区。其中,全面素质教育的观念还不为广大职业教育者所认同。因此,职业教育要革新传统观念,强化全面素质教育。调整教学内容和课程设置体系,做到人文素质与职业技能并重。  【关键词】 中等职业学校 机电专业 素质教育 现状 实践  一、中职学校素质
【摘 要】德育是一项重要的育人工作,作为一名音乐教师,应清醒地认识到这样一点,对学生进行德育教育是音乐教师不容推辞的一项重要职责。我们应充分利用音乐独特的艺术魅力,恰当处理好教育与教学的关系,结合教学内容选择适当的教育形式,让学生在受到美的熏陶的同时,得到良好的德育教育,以达到陶冶情操、净化心灵的完美世界,做好音乐教学的同时更要做好德育的渗透。  【关键词】小学音乐课 德育渗透  在素质教育深入开
2011年新课程改革的实施至今已近4年了,除了带给我们教师欣喜之外,也掺杂着许多困惑。英语作为国际通用语言其地位不言而喻,作为将英语视为第二语言的我们应如何适应时代的发展,已成为国人瞩目的热点问题。我从事英语教学多年,有很深的体会,下面我结合自身的工作浅谈一下自己的认识。  一、课堂教学中存在的问题  问题一: 课改的深入程度不够。大多数教师对新课程浅尝辄止, 课上仍旧是讲得多, 让学生练得少。往
十分感谢学校领导再一次给我们提供了这样的平台,让我有机会把自己担任班主任的一些工作经验及心得体会与诸位分享。本学期继续担任六(2)班班主任,在上个学期的教育实践基础上,今天我发言的题目是:一颗责任心、两种勤方法成就好班级。 首先,请允许我作:班级情况介绍  一、班级状况:  我们六(2)班本学期共45人,其中男生25人,女生20人,上灶生共29人。集体荣誉感强、班干部经常为班集体服务,同学之间能友
【摘 要】在介绍独立学院课程教学现状的基础上,从生源素质、师资队伍和学校政策三个方向进行了深入的原因分析,提出了調整心态、加强双师型师资建设和政策倾斜等三条有利于独立学院开展课程教学改革的建议,为独立学院参与应用技术大学转型提供了一些有益的思路。  【关键字】应用技术大学转型 独立学院 课程教学改革  党的十八大报告[1]和十八届三中全会报告[2]均提出要加快现代职业教育体系建设,从而引发了广大高
【摘 要】中学美术课是九年义务教育阶段的一门必修课,是对学生进行美育的重要途径。对于陶冶情操,启迪智慧,促进学生的全面发展具有重要作用。美术教育不但能培养学生的审美情趣,而且对学生的观察力、想象力、创造力的培养和发展都有非常大的作用。  【关键词】中学美术;多媒体;合理应用;审美能力  美术这门学科有别于其他的学科,单纯的“说教”或“传艺”都不能完成审美教育的任务,也不能充分体现美术教学的特点。在
【摘 要】我国是动画制作大国,动画人才需求也是非常大的,人才的缺少也影响了我国动画产业的发展,高職院校是动画人才培养的重要地方,在实际中由于部分高职院校存在教学不足的原因,导致培养出来的动画人才不是非常全面,不能满足动画市场需求,本文主要研究高职在动画教学方面的问题,研究提高动画教学应该如何培养实用性人才。  【关键字】动画人才需求;改革创新;高职动画教育;学生认识;创意  引言:  我国文化产业