Annals of Modern Chinese Fiction, written by Professor Chen Dakang from East China Normal University for more than ten years and published by the People’s Literature Publishing House, is the funding program of China Social Science, the National Publishing House, and the Ancient Books Collation and Studies Working Committee of National Universities. The time span of the objects in Annals of Modern Chinese Fiction is 72 years, namely Daoguang 20th year (1840) to Xuantong 3rd year (1911). The content involves many aspects of the modern fiction, including the new work, the second edition of the previous works, important theoretical perspectives, fiction policy of the Qing government and foreign settlement, the publishing house of fiction as well as journal etc. There are thousands of fictions that have never been recorded and talked about. The book adopts a kind of historical materials arrangement which is between chronicle and literature history in style. All the materials are collected in a chronological order. In order to help the researchers accurately grasp the history facts, there is necessary study and comparison, and commentary in book. Moreover, there is the List of the Modern Fiction Authors and Their Works, the List of the Modern Fiction Publishing Status and the List of the Modern Fiction Price.
Professor Chen Pingyuan from Peking University said that “the book is plain, decorous, and credible. The information is abundant. The arrangement is reasonable. To some extent, it reflects the condition of the writing, publishing, publicizing, and selling of fiction in certain historical period. Undoubtedly, the book, a technical and instrumental work, provides clues for the further research on Chinese modern fiction.”
Professor Chen Pingyuan from Peking University said that “the book is plain, decorous, and credible. The information is abundant. The arrangement is reasonable. To some extent, it reflects the condition of the writing, publishing, publicizing, and selling of fiction in certain historical period. Undoubtedly, the book, a technical and instrumental work, provides clues for the further research on Chinese modern fiction.”