离却文化界不少年了,当我再次踏入文化界时,蓦然发现文化冷了,摩托罗拉热了。 太好了! 太妙了! 文化冷点儿好,浮躁的文坛不冷出不了杰作,现在大概是出杰作的时候到了。明清之交直至清中叶,文坛万马齐喑,再也无了明末的喧嚣,八大出来了、曹雪芹出来了、孔尚任出来了。塞翁失马,焉知非福。 正如今日,腰里不别一把摩托罗拉“洋盒子炮”,便难显阁下的身份;而我在文坛的那几年,嘴里不流三分“禅机”,便不算文化人。 我们作的傻不拉叽的事太多了。 好在“禅”不管我们的事,它径直走它自己的路,扬长而去、义无反顾。于是,摩托罗拉热了,VCD热了,SVCD也热了…… “禅”妙透了。 到此本该是无话可说了。但是,近日偶然翻了翻几位大教授的专著,多半是哲学家的,他们还在那里大发议论,论禅、论道、论儒。在这些教授们看来,东方文化的精髓便是高扬人、高扬人性,似乎西方人近数百年鼓吹的东西,我们的老祖宗那里早已就有。这就不能不让我也想聒噪一番了。
Leave the cultural sector for many years, when I once again entered the cultural community, I suddenly found the culture cold, Motorola was hot. Great! Wonderful! Cultural cold is good, impetuous literary can not stand out of masterpieces, and now it is time to masterpiece. Until the mid-Qing Dynasty at the turn of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the literary world wonders. There was no longer the bustle of the Ming Dynasty. The Cadets came out and Cao Xueqin came out. Kong Shangren came out. Inconvenience, how can we know non-blessing. As today, the waist does not separate the Motorola “foreign box gun”, it is difficult to show your identity; and my years in the literary world, his mouth does not flow third “Zen Machine” is not a literary person. There are too many silly things we do. Fortunately, “Zen” regardless of our things, it went its own way, go away, hesitate. So, Motorola hot, VCD hot, SVCD is also hot ... ... “Zen” wonderful. This should have nothing to say. However, in recent days, several major professors’ monographs have been overtaken by chance. They are mostly philosophers, and they are still making major remarks there. They talk about Zen, discourse and Confucianism. In the view of these professors, the essence of oriental culture is to elevate and promote human nature, which seems to have been advocated by the Westerners for centuries and has long existed in our ancestors. This can not but let me also want to noisy noise.