Application Analysis of Tibetan Graphic Elements in Home Fabrics

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  Abstract:As a branch of the Chinese nation, Tibetan pictorial art takes on unique geographical environment, simple folk style and interchanges with inland to form Tibetan pattern style. At present, most of the researches on Tibetan pattern art are still at the bone-opening level, the study of Tibetan national culture and the protection of the diversity of the national culture focus on inheritance. In the field of home cloth art design, the national culture is different from the archeological culture. In the process of cultural exchange, the key point of cultural fusion and collision lies in that, under the background of current times, traditional national culture is viewed dialectically and developmentally, internal laws and characteristics are found, and the unknown fields and needs are explored in the present cultural outlook.
  1.1Special Analysis of Tibetan Graphic Application
  Tibetan pattern art is different from other art forms because of its first and second special features: Tibetan patterns of various kinds, preservation complete, still in use in the daily life of the Tibetan people The unique cold plateau climate, starting from the nomadic era, Tibetan carpet is the Tibetan people's household necessities. And the gorgeous color, the colorful pattern, is the Tibetan pattern art and the home cloth art perfect combination. In the process of building a "strip of land", the State is striving to develop the ancient industry of Tibetan carpets. Although the Tibetan pattern reflects the material and spiritual life of the Tibetan people, its artistic and cultural value is extremely high. However, due to the special living environment, climate and economic factors in Tibet, the Tibetan pattern has been widely used in home linen in Tibetan areas. Other household fabrics are less used. But in inland area Tibetan pattern again modern home cloth art application still stays in the pattern pile up, can not stand.
  1.2Analysis of the Applicability of Tibetan Graphic Art
  Successful Application of Tibetan Graphic Art in International Fashion:The pattern is the soul that conveys style in home cloth art design. Tibetan decoration rich and diverse, but also rich spiritual connotation, for home cloth design language to provide a variety of possibilities, rich design materials. Tibetan culture is open and inclusive and can be combined with other design styles. There are a lot of big films about Tibet, including fashion magazines, fashion arts, and even wedding dresses. The impression of Tibet is its mystery and sanctity. Kim Young Jun, a famous photographer and professional model, came to Tibet for a special series of photos in Vogue, a Korean fashion magazine. The brands in these photographs include Gucci, Celine, Marc Jacobs, Missoni, Hermés, Proenza Schouler, Guess, and others.The international fashion community has always admired national style. The use of ethnic elements is particularly frequent in fashion shows, with multiple brand interpretations of a style that makes every branch of the world's nation stand out and stand out, making it hard to ignore this strong national ethos.The continuous change of Tibetan art aesthetic:Tibetans love freedom and decoration. The excellent performance of the new generation of Tibetan designers in the design field has led people to discover the wonderful changes of traditional Tibetan art under the influence of modern art.   "New Concept" Tanka:When it comes to Tanka, perhaps the first thing that comes to mind in many people's minds is the Buddhist painting of Tibetan Buddhist temples, which requires rigorous drawing and complicated procedures. It takes a long time to make a Tanka, a short period of six months and a long period of more than ten years. Donka artist Da · qiongpei has studied Buddhism since the age of 13. At the age of 18, he has mastered the styles and techniques of many different schools of painting. Like all beginners, Rupu Jonpei strictly follows the traditional ritual and measurement requirements and strives to be the ultimate within the traditional rules For more than a decade, he studied and studied Tang-Cha paintings, traditional Chinese paintings and Western paintings.Through further research, he was surprised to find that the artistic creation of the early Himalayan civilization, because of its simplicity, has some abstract and symbolic features of modern art, with the same beauty.
  1.3Technical Analysis on the Application of Tibetan Graphic Art
  Analysis of Traditional Home Fabrics in Tibetan:Tibetan traditional household handicrafts have the highest achievements in Tibetan carpets, veneer and embroidery. The Tibetan carpet is 3,000 years old, and it is unique because of its unique geographical environment, cold climate and nomadic life. Today the carpet has been woven from the original pure hand to mechanical production. A large number of carpet factories have been built. The process of Tibetan carpet is complex, after combing natural cattle wool, textile into line, dyeing, reverse line, hand weaving, cutting, washing and other processes. After many years of development, a unique "tie-in method" for knitting.Besides knitting, Tibetan embroidery and weaving are also outstanding. Tibetan embroidery has a long history, because traffic is not convenient, far from the busy market, the Tibetan people have relied on their own hands to make cloth textiles. Typical of the Tibetan embroidery and textile.Jiarong is a branch of the Tibetan people. The point of their embroidery is that the needle method is not restricted by the warp and weft, and is made of pure hand embroidery. The main embroideries are headscarf, dress embroidery.
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