In terms of scores and percentages, they are two concepts that are both connected and distinct. Their connection is: Fraction, the percentage can be expressed as a multiple of the relationship between the two numbers, which can indicate a number is another number of a few or a few percent. For example, 20 people are 2/5 of 50 people, or 20 people are 40% of 50 people. The difference between them is that the score can represent not only the multiple of two numbers but also an actual value such as 1 / 5t, 2 / 3h and 3 / (10) m, where the actual values are 200kg , 40 minutes and 3 minutes. Therefore, the unit of measure can be followed by a score. However, percentages can only indicate how many percentages are in a number, and generally do not represent an actual value without a unit of measure. Therefore, life is generally not 20%, 30% m and other wording. Because of this, we often refer to the percentage as a percentage or percentage.