水是地球生命的源泉,是一种无可替代的哺育万物的宝贵资源。历史证明,没有水就没有人类的文明,没有社会的发展。水不仅是农业的命脉,而且是整个国民经济发展的制约因素。它可以造福于人类,也可以给社会带来严重的灾难与祸害。因此,对水资源的开发利用和控制管理,是关系到国家生存和发展的头等大事之一。 西亚位于世界的“热极”和著名的干旱地区,
Water is a source of life on earth and an irreplaceable resource for nurturing all things. History shows that there is no human civilization without water and no social development. Water is not only the lifeblood of agriculture, but also a factor constraining the development of the entire national economy. It can benefit mankind as well as bring serious disasters and scourges to society. Therefore, the development, utilization, control and management of water resources are one of the top priorities concerning the survival and development of the country. Western Asia is located in the world’s “hot pole” and the famous arid region,