据媒体报道,万众瞩目的英王妃戴安娜去世时遗产有2000万英镑,被征的遗产税竟达800万之巨。许多中国人对此惊诧万分,“子承父业”,天经地义,故去者的遗产自然应由其继承人继承,为什么还要交税? 开征遗产税是一国际惯例,在西方已有三四百年的历史,目前世界上有100多个国家和地区开征遗产税。我国国家税务总局在1998年提出要研究开征遗产税,并写进了全国人大通过的“九五”规划和2010年的远景目标以及党的十五大报告。开征遗
According to media reports, the well-known British Princess Diana legacy of 20 million pounds, was levied the estate tax as large as 800 million. Many Chinese are very shocked by this. “Inheriting one’s father and father’s inheritance” is justified. Therefore, the heritage of the deceased should naturally be inherited by his heirs. Why is it still taxable? It is an international practice to impose the inheritance tax, which has existed in the West for three or four centuries History, there are more than 100 countries and regions in the world levy inheritance tax. The State Administration of Taxation of our country proposed in 1998 to study and impose the inheritance tax and put it into the Ninth Five-Year Plan approved by the NPC and the 2010 vision and the 15th CPC National Congress report. Levy left