魏晋南北朝时期,我国北方少数民族拓跋鲜卑以盛乐(今内蒙古和林县北)、平城(今山西大同市)一带为基地,建立北魏王朝,进而统一北方广大地区。在他们入主中原约二百年的过程中,拓跋鲜卑奴隶主贵族不断吸收汉族文化,并不断使自己封建化,实行了一系列汉化措施,实际上推动了北方各民族的大融合。近年来,日本学者对北魏民族关系史的研究比较重视,发表了多篇论文。本文原题为《关于北魏高祖汉化政策的一个考察》 (原载《东洋学报》62卷三、四号,1981年3月出版)。现摘要编译其中的一部分。
During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Tuoba Xianbei, a minority ethnic group in north China, built the Northern Wei dynasty with the bases of Shengle (present-day Inner Mongolia and Hualin County) and Pingcheng (now Datong of Shanxi Province). During their entry into the Central Plains about two hundred years ago, the chiefs and elites of the Tuoba vicar slave keep absorbing the Han culture and constantly feudalizing themselves. A series of measures were taken to put the Chinese into practice, in effect to promote the great integration of the various nationalities in the north. In recent years, Japanese scholars have paid more attention to the study of the history of ethnic relations in the Northern Wei Dynasty and published many papers. This article was originally entitled “An Investigation of the Northern Wei ancestralization policy” (originally contained in “Toyo Jiji” 62 volumes three, four, published in March 1981). Now summary compile some of them.