一、证券侵权行为的种类及其特征 证券侵权行为是指在证券活动中当事人违反法定义务,侵害他人财产权益而应承担民事法律责任后果的行为。证券侵权行为具有一般侵权行为的共性,即证券侵权行为是违反证券法律规定的义务而非违反当事人的协议的行为;证券侵权行为是基于过错或法律特别规定而应承担民事责任的民事行为;证券侵权行为应对受害人承担责任。就一般而言,其承担责任的范围与违法行为造成的损害相适应。在我国《证券法》主要规定的侵权行为有:
First, the types and characteristics of securities infringement Securities infringement refers to the securities activities of the parties in violation of legal obligations, infringement of property rights and interests of others should bear the consequences of civil liability. Securities infringement has the generality of common infringement, that is, the infringement of securities is a violation of the obligations of the securities law rather than a breach of the agreement of the parties. The securities infringement act is a civil act that should bear the civil liability based on the fault or the law, and the securities Infringement should bear the responsibility of the victim. As a general rule, the extent of its liability is commensurate with the damage caused by the offense. In our country “Securities Law” the main provisions of the infringement are: