在伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生诞生一百二十周年之际,著名表演艺术家孙道临,携带由他与叶丹合作编剧、由他执导和主演的新片《非常大总统》,专程来到辛亥革命首举义旗的武汉举行首映式,笔者特地采访了他。 “《非常大总统》是国内第一部描写孙中山先生的故事片,您何时萌生了这个想法?” ——我上小学、中学时常读总理遗嘱,听到很多有关孙中山先生的革命故事,对这位伟人十分景仰。一九八一年辛亥革命七十周年时,上海青年话剧团找我演《孙中山与宋庆龄》。后来虽未演成,但我接触了许多资料,觉得孙中山先生的革命精神和革命经历十分感人,他的性格也很吸引我这搞表演工作的人。我于是萌生了在银幕上再现孙中山的愿望。一九八四
On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of the great revolutionary pioneer, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the famous performing artist Sun Dao-lin brought the new film “Very Large President” directed and co-written by him with Ye Dan and made a special trip to the first act of the Revolution of 1911 The flag of Wuhan held its premiere, I specifically interviewed him. “When the” Very Large President “is the first feature film in China to describe Dr. Sun Yat-sen. When did you start this idea?” - When I was in primary school and secondary school, I often read the will of the premier and heard many revolutionary stories about Mr. Sun Yat-sen. Great man very admired. During the seventieth anniversary of the Revolution of 1911, the Shanghai Youth Repertory Theater sought me to perform “Sun Yat-sen and Soong Ching Ling.” Later, though it did not perform, I came into contact with many sources and found Mr. Sun Yat-sen’s revolutionary spirit and revolutionary experience very moving. His character also appealed to me for performing acting. I then initiated the desire to reproduce Sun Yat-sen on the screen. 1984