采用鳞片接种法对36个百合品种及5个野生种进行枯萎病(Fusarium oxysporumf.sp.lilii)接种鉴定,筛选抗性优异资源。结果表明:百合品种及野生种中蕴藏丰富的抗枯萎病种质资源。利用RGA-PCR方法对百合遗传多样性进行分析,10对RGA引物在41个品种及野生种中共扩增条带159条,其中多态带156条,占总带数的98.1%。以相似系数0.71聚类,41个百合品种及野生种划分为7类。抗性表型与RGA相似性聚类结果表明,利用品种的抗性表型聚类,趋于抗病性相近的聚为一类;利用RGA相似性聚类,趋于遗传背景相近的聚为一类。百合品种RGA的DNA指纹多态性与枯萎病抗性遗传表型多样性无明显的对应关系。对亲本材料进行抗性鉴定和抗病基因同源序列多态性分析,能更准确地反映亲本的遗传背景,为百合枯萎病抗性基因鉴定及品种培育提供一定的理论依据。
Fusarium oxysporumf.sp.lilii was used to inoculate 36 lily varieties and 5 wild species, and screened for excellent resistance resources. The results showed that the lily varieties and wild species are rich in germplasm resources of resistance to blight. The genetic diversity of lily was analyzed by RGA-PCR. Among the 41 cultivars, wild-type RGA primers amplified 159 bands, of which 156 were polymorphic bands, accounting for 98.1% of the total bands. With similarity coefficient 0.71 clustering, 41 lily varieties and wild species were divided into 7 categories. Resistant phenotype and RGA similarity clustering results showed that the resistance phenotypic clustering tended to converge in a similar disease resistance category; using RGA similarity clustering, clustering with similar genetic background one type. DNA fingerprinting polymorphism of lily cultivars RGA had no significant correlation with the diversity of the genetic phenotypes of Fusarium wilt resistance. The identification of parents and the homologous sequence analysis of resistance genes can reflect the genetic background of parents more accurately and provide some theoretical basis for the identification of fusarium wilt resistance genes and breeding of cultivars.