生活中,常听到这样的抱怨:“真不知道一日三餐该吃什么?”的确,吃饱穿暖早已不是现代人追求的目标,在生活富裕起来后,人们对饮食的营养和健康有了新的要求。饮食及营养学专家指出,一日三餐必须做到营养均衡。具体来说应注意以下几点: 多样化,以谷物为主。粗细搭配。食品包括五大类,即谷类薯类、动物性食品、豆类及其制品、蔬菜水果类和纯热量食物(如植物油、淀粉、食用糖和酒类)。以谷类为主,粗细搭配是为了保持我国膳食的良好传统。防止发达国家膳食能量和脂肪过高的弊端。多吃蔬菜、水果和薯类。蔬菜、水果和薯类丰富的膳食含有丰富的维生素及其他营养物质,对保持心血管健康、提高抗病能力,减少儿童发生干眼病及预防某些癌症有着十分重要的作用。
In my life, I often hear such complaints: “I really do not know what to eat for three meals a day?” Indeed, it is no longer the goal pursued by the modern people to eat and wear. After the affluence of life, people’s nutrition And health has new requirements. Diet and nutrition experts point out that three meals a day must be nutritionally balanced. Specifically, the following points should be noted: Diversification, mainly cereal. With the thickness. Food includes five categories, namely, cereal, animal food, beans and their products, fruits and vegetables and pure calorie foods (such as vegetable oil, starch, sugar and alcohol). To cereal-based, with the thickness of the diet in order to maintain a good tradition of our country. Prevent the drawbacks of dietary energy and excess fat in developed countries. Eat more vegetables, fruits and potatoes. The rich diet of vegetables, fruits and yams is rich in vitamins and other nutrients and plays a very important role in maintaining cardiovascular health, improving disease resistance, reducing dry eye diseases in children and preventing certain cancers.