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在新科技革命浪潮的冲击下,各国普遍认识到,发展高新技术及其产业是增强综合国力,保障国家安全的关键,是关系到国家兴衰的大事。为在下一世纪争得优势,为了在国际分工和国际竞争中获取更大的利益,许多国家纷纷进行政策设计,把发展高新技术作为国家发展战略,强化政府的调控和引导。随着世界经济一体化和贸易全球化,我国的激光产业与其他尚处在发展阶段的幼小的高新技术产业一样,开始受到来自于世界发达国家的冲击。迅速发展民族激光技术,充实产业力量已成为激光产业界人士的共识。武汉市激光产业起步时间为1985年,在十余年的发展中,先后出现过近20家激光企业。在市场经济大潮的洗礼中,一部分科研单位、企业逐渐成熟起来,而相当数量的企业发展缓慢,有些甚至不得不走向解体。从整体产业规模上看,发展至1995年底,整个武汉激 Under the impact of the new wave of scientific and technological revolution, all countries generally recognize that the development of high-tech and its industries is the key to strengthening the overall national strength and safeguarding national security. It is a major issue that affects the rise and fall of a country. In order to gain an advantage in the next century, in order to gain greater benefits in the international division of labor and international competition, many countries have carried out policy design, using high-tech development as a national development strategy and strengthening government regulation and guidance. With the integration of the world economy and the globalization of trade, our country’s laser industry, like other young high-tech industries still at the stage of development, has begun to suffer from the impact of developed countries in the world. The rapid development of national laser technology and the enhancement of industrial forces have become the consensus of the laser industry community. The laser industry started in Wuhan in 1985. In the development of more than ten years, there have been nearly 20 laser companies. In the baptism of the market economy, some scientific research units and enterprises have gradually matured, while a considerable number of enterprises have developed slowly, and some even have to move toward disintegration. From the point of view of the overall industrial scale, the development to the end of 1995, the entire Wuhan
创建于1985年的宁波弹簧机械厂,于1992年8月与香港亿创投资有限公司合资,建成宁波梦神床垫机械有限公司。 10多年来,宁波梦神公司在总经理陈寿松的正确决策下,开拓进取,现已
罗定市食品企业集团公司是1992年底组建成立,它的前身是罗定市食品总公司,现有干部职工485人,下设30个独立核算单位,主要经营生猪、三鸟和饲料、畜药以及 Luoding City Foo
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