新疆维吾尔自治区建设厅、新疆勘察设计协会于1998年11月17—19日,在乌鲁木齐市召开“自治区第七次勘察设计工作会议暨勘察设计协会’98年会”。来自全疆各地、厅(局)的工程勘察设计行政丰管部门和110多家勘察设计单位的200多名代表,参加了这次世纪之交的行业盛会。 会议贯彻落实全国勘察设计处长会议、标准定额工作会议和全国勘察设计秘书长会议精神;总结我区前
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Construction Department and Xinjiang Survey and Design Association held the 98th Annual Meeting of the 7th Survey and Design Work Conference and Survey Design Association of the Autonomous Region in Urumqi on November 17-19, 1998. More than 200 representatives from the engineering survey and design executive management department and more than 110 survey and design units from all regions and offices across the country participated in the industry event at the turn of the century. The conference implements the spirit of the National Survey and Design Directors’ Meeting, the Standard Quota Work Conference, and the National Survey and Design Secretary General Conference;