政治体制改革的重要一条是实行党政分开。政府的信息工作,也应当体现政府工作的特色,少产“通用件”,多产“专用件”。为此,应注意如下两点: 一是注意与党委部门的信息区别开来,充分体现“行政型”的要求。从这一点出发,我们从两方面作出了努力:一方面,从内容上分开。我们的信息始终坚持以经济工作为中心,着重反映改革、经济和社会发展、政府部门发挥职能作用等方面的情况。起初,市委办公室抓的信息,面比较宽,我们同市委信息部门进行了必要的协商和分工,避免了不必要的重复。另一方面,从形式上分开。我们抓的信息尽量体现政府工作的要求,多在综合分析上下功夫,力求具体实在,
An important part of political system reform is the separation of party and government. The information work of the government should also reflect the characteristics of government work, reduce production of “common parts” and prolific “special pieces.” To this end, we should note the following two points: First, pay attention to the information and party departments to distinguish, fully embodies the “administrative” requirements. From this point of view, we have made efforts in two aspects: on the one hand, we separate ourselves from the content. Our message always insists on taking economic work as the center, and focuses on such aspects as reform, economic and social development, and the functions and functions of government departments. At first, the information caught by the Municipal Party Committee Office was rather broad. We conducted the necessary consultation and division of labor with the municipal information department to avoid unnecessary duplication. On the other hand, it is formally separated. We grasp the message as far as possible to reflect the requirements of government work, and more efforts in comprehensive analysis, and strive to be concrete,