滾墩石和抱鼓石是我国古建筑中常见的石制构件,宫殿、园林、府第以至民居均有采用者。和其他建筑构件一样,它们也具有实用和装饰两方面的功能。 北京的四合院,其院门形式,大体分为屋宇式和墙垣式两种类型。依据其形制,又有王府大门、广亮大门、金柱大门、蛮子门、如意门、墙垣门等不同称谓。多数大门的两侧抱框下安有滾墩石,前面雕作石鼓,背
Rolling stone pier and hugging drum stone building in ancient China is a common component, palace, garden, house and residence have adopted. Like other building components, they also have both functional and decorative features. Beijing’s courtyard, its courtyard form, generally divided into two types of building and wall-type. According to their shape, there are the palace gate, Guangliang door, Golden Gate, barbarian door, wishful door, wall door and other different titles. Under most of the door on both sides of the ring hold a rolling stone piers, sculptures in front of the stone drum, back