蓝桉全同胞家系两年两点的遗传稳定性试验结果表明 :树高、胸径在年度、地点、组合间差异达显著水平 ,材积在年度和组合间差异达显著水平。年度和地点间的交互作用达极显著水平 ,地点和组合间交互作用也达到显著水平 ,在优良杂交组合的推广中需要考虑组合的适应区域。树高、胸径、材积 3个性状遗传力在 0 2 0 5范围内 ,表明这 3个生长性状受弱度—中度遗传控制。将参试的杂交组合 ,根据树高表型值和遗传稳定性分成 4类 ,选出了二者表现皆优的部分组合作为优良家系在生产上推广应用。
The results of genetic stability test of Eucalyptus grandis siblings at two years and two o’clock show that the tree height and DBH have significant differences in annual, site and combination, and the annual volume and combination differences have reached a significant level. The interaction between the year and the site reached an extremely significant level, and the interaction between the sites and combinations also reached a significant level. In the popularization of fine hybrid combinations, the combination of adaptation areas needs to be considered. The hereditary power of three traits, tree height, diameter at breast height and volume, was in the range of 0 2 0 5, indicating that the three growth traits were controlled by weak-moderate genetic control. According to the tree height phenotype value and genetic stability, the hybrid combinations were divided into four categories, and the partial combination of the two was selected as excellent families to promote their application in production.