热点述评 批评活动作为批评家的生存手段、文化身份及精神价值体现,不仅是批评家关于作品文本和现象的言语行为,还往往隐含着批评主体凡俗性个人欲念(如经济收入、社会地位、权力利益)与其作为社会生存个体的现实处境(生活环境、工作体制)。进一步说,批评家的世俗性生存处境和他的文化价值取向、精神关怀、批评策略、话语方式之间存在着或紧张冲突或和谐默契的关系,这种关系也以种种方式渗透在批评的种种流向之中,成为批评起伏消长的一个深层因素。如果说,同其他社会文化现象一样,美术批评在当下日益“繁荣”的景象背后,也存在诸多困境与忧虑,那么在这些隐忧之中,批评家作为批评主体是首先需要进行深刻自省的。批评家如何看待自己的现实处境?现实中的哪个方面最令批评家忧虑?这种情绪对批评有何影响?又如何反映在批评之中?美术批评还存在哪些困惑?这些困惑与批评家的现实处境有何关系?种种问题,有待讨论。且来言说批评。主持人/杨斌
As a critically accustomed means of survival, cultural identity and spiritual value, criticism activities are not only verbal acts of critics on works’ texts and phenomena, but also often imply criticisms of vulgar personal desires (such as economic income, social status, Power interest) and its actual situation (living environment and working system) as individuals living in the society. Furthermore, the relationship between the secular existence of critics and his cultural value orientation, spiritual concern, criticism tactics and discourse style exists or is closely related to each other. Flow into a criticism of ups and downs of a deep factor. If, like other social and cultural phenomena, art criticism has many difficulties and worries behind the present increasingly “prosperous” scene, then among these worries, critics as the subject of criticism need to first of all profoundly introspect themselves. How do critics think about their reality? Which aspects in reality are most worried about critics? How do these emotions affect criticism? How are they reflected in criticism? What are the perplexities of art criticism? What is the actual situation? All kinds of issues, to be discussed. And in terms of criticism. Host / Yang Bin