The expression of painting language in Chinese painting

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  The expression form of painting language is various,the painter's emotion is expressed by its unique painting language.No matter what kind of artists,they use their unique language form to complete the emotional embodiment of the work.A painting from the original idea to the composition of the picture,all is the expression of the category of painting language,but also the inherent embodiment of style.The inner nature of style is not an act of conscious expression,but a product of the unconscious,like a painter who paints with Van Gogh's strokes and colors,but does not necessarily convey Van Gogh's meaning.The different use of painting language produces colorful and stylistic works.Product
  The expressive language of Chinese painting
  The expression method of Chinese painting is the ink with line,its material is brush,ink and rice paper.This kind of special tool material,has the close internal relation with the specific expression technique.Even"pen and ink"has become an important feature of Chinese painting.Whether there is pen or ink,has become an important symbol of people's evaluation of the merits and demerits of Chinese painting.
  Comparing the painting language of Chinese and Western painters,although Western painters also use lines to create images and convey feelings,they focus more on the sense of quality,quantity and space of expressing images.The function of line in Chinese painting goes beyond the function of shaping the body and has the function of expressing the author's thoughts and feelings and independent aesthetic function.The rhythm beauty and rhyme beauty of Chinese painting line include two aspects:one is the rhythm and rhythm of each line itself,it is the change that the line has the control in the drawing process to raise the button,the movement,the turning point,the weight and the severity,the disease and so on.The other is the length,thickness,simplicity,density,void and so on.The rhythm of the whole picture is beautiful.The change of ink is developed from the change of pen.Pen and ink are combined and complement each other.As with bones and flesh,it cannot be separated completely.Ink from pen,pen by ink,a good Chinese painting strokes and ink rhyme is natural.
  Chinese painting has its unique painting language in color,it eliminates the constraints of nature and light source,and generally emphasizes the inherent color of the object image.In the overall color relationship,based on white(white paper)and ink,color as a supplement.Early Chinese painting,most of which is to highlight the performance.For example,in Tang and Song dynasties,a large number of figure paintings and landscape paintings were mostly represented by heavy colors.Since the Yuan and Ming dynasties,with the emergence of paper has brought the evolution of ink technology.At the same time,the appearance of literati painting form,so that the painting gradually developed to ink-based,color as auxiliary appearance.Ink is not only a"black"color in Chinese painting,but a kind of adjustment painting.The"color"of language exists.The theory of"ink separation and five colors"in Chinese traditional painting is a typical ink-based concept.   The language of"artistic Conception"in Chinese painting
  Mr.Li said:"Artistic conception is the soul of art,it is the concentration of objective things,and the Tao-casting of people's thoughts and feelings."The artistic realm and the state of poetry are represented in the Chinese painting."Meaning"can be said to be the soul of a painting."Meaning"can be said to be the soul of a painting."The Chinese painting has always been said to be"painting is silent poetry","painting has artistic conception".
  How to increase the expression of painting language in this artistic conception?
  A painting is often a harmonious expression of the object's characteristics and the artist's feelings to produce poetry.The image of the poem is the form and image of the mixture of emotion and scenery,and the image of intention in the meaning and the taste outside the taste is the interesting artistic image.A loving,expressive painting can maintain a broad and lasting attraction to the viewer,which is the"artistic conception"of the Chinese painting.
  The criteria of systematic painting creation and painting criticism are as follows:(1)vivid charm.(2)bone method with pen.(3)object pictograph.(4)with color.(5)management position.(6)transmission and mock-up writing.Charm vividness is the most important method in the six methods,which is the important criterion of painting creation and painting criticism in China for 1000 years.
  Overall language representation
  A complete painting,the overall style should be unified,the script font and painting style should be unified.For example,freehand brushwork with running script,cursive script,fine brushwork with regular script,official script and so on.Of course,this is not absolute,mainly according to the artistic style of the picture to the overall consideration.In the specific painting,according to the previous preparation to consider bold writing,carefully tidying up,as meticulous as possible.Bold writing in order to determine the frame,the general trend,control the overall picture,the overall cleaning should pay attention to adjust form and shape,potential and potential echo contrast relationship,pay attention to pen emotion and ink interest and the rhythm of the pen.
  In short,no matter how much need to picture coordination as the first standard to make the picture color.Title or poem to lead to painting,or text as a painting to fill the white,handwriting size and inscription style should be linked to the style.The seal should also pay attention to the selection of the color of the print,here to choose according to personal preferences,generally have magenta,cinnabar,ancient color,iron ink and other mud,but also blue,green,black and other special colors.
  Painting is a constantly developing and perfecting art.With the progress of society,new science and technology,new ideas will affect the development of art.Daring to learn from the outstanding cultural heritage of ancient,modern and foreign countries will be an important accomplishment of a great painter.We should learn from the sister arts of ancient poetry,articles,calligraphy,music and dance,and draw nourishment from modern western art.Dare to break all the rules of the past.A great artist must have a bold and innovative spirit.
《品德与生活》是一门以儿童的生活为基础的活动型综合课程。随着《品德与生活》课程标准的颁布,这门新课程就在全国教育园地的土壤中开始生根了。我校也全启动了《品德与生活》的课改实验,随着课程的实施,站在教学第一线的老师都实实在在地感觉这门课程的新鲜气息,也感受到课改的迫在眉睫,更深刻地感悟到这门课程的生活性,开放性和活动性。下面就我个人对《品德与生活》的教学说点自己的体会。  一、转变角色,发展自我  
摘 要:李健吾是中国近代文学史上重要的人物,在中国近代文学批评史上有着不可磨灭的重要地位。1936年文化生活出版社推出了李健吾的批评文集《咀华集》,在当时的批评界引起轩然大波。本论文试从《咀华集.咀华二集》中代表性篇目《评》为中心去浅析李健吾文学批评中所体现出来的批评者在评论作品时的主体性。  关键词:李健吾;《边城》;批评者主体性  李健吾认为:“一个批评家明白他的使命不是摧毁,不是和人作战;而
摘 要:本文以滕州市马铃薯主食产业为研究对象,详细分析了滕州市主食产业化发展的优势和综合效益,同时分析了发展进程中的制约因素。在此基础上了,分析了滕州马铃薯主食化产业发展的效益,为滕州市马铃薯主食化发展提供了较为完成的分析报告。  关键词:滕州马铃薯;主食化;产业化  一、滕州市马铃薯主食产业化发展的优势条件  1、独特的地理区位和自然环境  滕州市地理位置优越,交通便利,季风型大陆性气候明显,四
自己从事初中化学课程教學已经十几年了,对于刚刚接触化学这门课程的初中学生来说,什么元素符号、化合价、分子式等等化学知识,一下子就把这些十几岁的少年弄懵了,有时有的学生竟然感觉大脑不够用了,对化学课产生恐惧感。初中学习生活才开始,就产生了厌倦理科的念头,这要等到高中学习理科就更头痛了,这可怎么办?  有办法!用一些巧妙的方法帮助学生去记忆,既提高了学生的学习化学兴趣,又帮助了学生对化学知识点的记忆,
孩子的天性都是好玩、爱动的,快乐的感受是更好地学习的情感基础。在课堂上,我们发现当学生喜欢某种活动时,他们便会全情投入,获得最好的学习效果。因此,在课堂教学中,就必须为孩子创设快乐的学习环境,激发浓厚的学习兴趣,以兴趣促进学生乐学。  一、建立一种民主、平等、和谐的师生关系,营造“快乐”的教学气氛,这是政治课堂实行快乐教学的前提和基础  教师必须勇于抛弃陈旧、迂腐的传统观念,放下唯我独尊的架子,要
摘 要:“至乐无乐”语出《庄子·至乐》篇,它指出艺术的形式美只有在否定自己的基础上才能得以实现;另外,它还指出艺术的生命在于自然的和谐统一,只有当创作者把艺术中的各种因素融为一体时,欣赏者才能进入“无乐”之境。就其中的“乐”字而言,它是作为乐(L)还是乐(Y)来理解,学者多有不同见解。经考证,“至乐无乐”的“乐”具有双重意蕴,它既指向对至极乐的期盼,也指向对至极美的探索,这是庄子“情感”的集中表达
当前品德与社会的教育仍有些“假、大、空”,特别是农村小学这种状况尤甚。造成这方面的原因有许多,如:社会、学校受应试教育的影响不重视这门课程、教师本身素质跟不上这门新课程的发展等。如何才能使当前农村小学的品德与社会课程不流于形式,不再成为所谓的副科,可上可不上,可有可无的课程。通过教学实践,我认为应从以下几方面入手。  一、提高认识,思想上重视《品德与社会》  品德与社会是国家重视小学德育的重要体现
摘 要:本文首先介绍高校教育管理专业化的必要性,其次深入分析教育管理专业团队的质量要求。结合自身的管理经验,文章最后提出了构建专业教育管理团队的基本思路。  关键词:高校教育管理;专业化;质量要求;基本思路  1.前言  要提高教育质量,我们必须拥有一流的教师队伍和一流的管理团队。因此,高校必须改变僵化和传统的教育管理模式,更新教育管理理念,加强高校教育管理专业化的建设。  2.高校教育管理专业化
一、现代教育技术的定义  什么是现代教育技术?关于这个词汇的定义并不复杂,现代教育技术与一般意义的教育技术相比并没有本质的区别,突出“现代”二字是为了要更多地注意探索那些与现代科学技术有关的课题,吸收现代科技成果和系统思维方法,使教育技术更具有时代的特色。  1994年美国教育传播与技术协会对教育技术作了新的定义[1]:教育技术是关于学习过程与学习资源的设计、开发、利用、管理和评价的理论与实践。综