The Oshima volcano is a member of the geochemical variation that is characterized by a decrease in FeO content across the northeastern Japan arc toward its arc. Basalt analysis data show the characteristics of the original magma. The trend in chemical composition shows that from picrites to divisible basalts, olivine crystallites are the first to be followed by olivine + clinopyroxenes. The more magnesium-rich basalts have the magnesium-rich olivine phenocrysts. The most magnesium-rich (MgO15%) sample in all rock samples contains olivine plaque (Fo93.7) as the liquidus phase. This is considered as the product of mantle magma. In the case of the Oeda magma, the approximate range of FeO and MgO content of the mantle source magma can be determined. In addition, the monoclinic peridotite inclusions after arc in Northeastern Japan can not be the same as the mantle sources that are rich in FeO. This paper argues that the upper mantle beneath the arc-back is zonally subdivided, with the top of the iron-rich mantle (monocular lherzolites) and the lower iron-depleted mantle (the mantle source of back arc volcanoes).