牡丹以其花大色艳而深受我国人民喜爱,但其繁殖较为困难,过去常用的分株及嫁接繁殖,繁殖系数低,管理要求高,限制了牡丹的大规模繁殖,而扦插繁殖不失为一种很好的补充。1 品种选择扦插繁殖的成活率,因品种不同差异较大。其中银粉金鳞、胭脂绣球、葛巾紫等扦插成活率
Peony flowers with its large color and loved by our people, but its more difficult to reproduce, in the past commonly used ramets and grafting, low reproductive coefficient, high management requirements, limiting the large-scale reproduction of peony, cuttings reproduction after all Kind of good supplement. 1 species selection Cutting survival rate, due to different varieties of different. Silver scales, rouge hydrangea, scarlet purple and other cuttings survival rate