目的对福州口岸出入境人员活动性肺结核X线征象分析,提高活动性肺结核的X线诊断率。方法对福州口岸1997年7月-2001年5月确诊为活动性肺结核的43例患者胸片进行X线征象分析。结果 43例患者中,男性37例,女性6例,年龄最大72岁,最小22岁,平均36岁。其中血型播散型3例,占6.98%,浸润型34例,占79.07%:慢性纤维空洞型6例,占13.95%。
Objective To analyze the X-ray signs of active pulmonary tuberculosis among entry-exit personnel in Fuzhou Port and to improve the X-ray diagnostic rate of active tuberculosis. Methods X-ray findings of chest radiographs of 43 patients diagnosed as active pulmonary tuberculosis from July 1997 to May 2001 in Fuzhou port were analyzed. Results Of the 43 patients, 37 were males and 6 were females, the oldest was 72 years old and the youngest was 22 years old, with an average of 36 years. Among them, 3 cases were blood-disseminated, accounting for 6.98%, infiltrative 34 cases, accounting for 79.07%: 6 cases of chronic fibrous cavities, accounting for 13.95%.