In this paper, the impact of captopril (hereinafter referred to as capsaicin) on serum digoxin concentration in order to provide a reference for the clinical. First, the object 33 patients in this group, 21 males and 12 females; mean age 54 ± 16 years old. According to NYHA classification, heart failure is grade Ⅱ ~ Ⅳ. Of these, 13 were rheumatic heart disease, 9 were dilated cardiomyopathy, 4 were hypertensive heart disease and 7 were other heart diseases. Second, the method The whole observation is divided into three phases: the first period of single-point digoxin for 1 week, according to 0.125mg ~ 0.25mg / d, to determine the basal digoxin serum concentration; the second period from the beginning of the second week plus Take captopril, press