原料上涨驱动 行业龙头调涨氧氯化锆价格

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受片碱价格大幅上涨的影响,氧氯化锆价格也在持续走高。升华拜克决定将氧氯化锆价格上调至9000元/吨,较节前涨幅接近10%。片碱价格、锆英砂价格及综合成本的上涨,是氧氯化锆厂家决定提价的主要原因。氧氯化锆是生产其他锆制品如二氧化锆、碳酸锆、硫酸锆、复合氧化锆以及锆铪分离制备金属锆铪的主要原料,也可以用于纺织、皮革、橡胶添加剂、金属表面处理剂、耐火材料、陶瓷等产品。上市公司中目前涉及氧氯化锆产销的主要有升华拜克和东方锆业。 Affected by the sharp rise in the price of caustic soda, the price of oxychloride zirconium is also continuing to rise. Sublimation Becker decided to raise the price of oxychloride zirconium to 9,000 yuan / ton, up nearly 10% over the pre-holiday. The price of caustic soda, the price of zircon sand and the increase of the comprehensive cost are the main reasons for the decision of the manufacturer of oxychloride to raise the price. Zirconium oxychloride is the main raw material for the production of other zirconium products such as zirconium dioxide, zirconium carbonate, zirconium sulfate, zirconium composite oxide and zirconium and hafnium separation of zirconium and hafnium metal, can also be used for textile, leather, rubber additives, metal surface treatment agent , Refractory, ceramics and other products. Listed companies currently involved in oxychlorination production and marketing are the main sublimation Bayer and the East zirconium industry.
杜甫曾以《可惜》为题写五律,阐述自己在草堂岁月的心态:  花飞有底急,老去愿春迟。  可惜欢娱地,都非少壮时。  宽心应是酒,遣兴莫过诗。  此意陶潜解,吾生后汝期。  (《可惜》)  杜甫可惜什么?诗中的解答有些隐晦,但意涵还是明确的。他感叹自己过了少壮之年,感叹自己穷病交困,从前有过的济世之志,已经难以实现,所以可惜。怎么办呢,只能借酒浇愁,只能以诗抒怀。杜甫想到了陶渊明,陶渊明笔下的桃花源,