为了解 2 3%宝穗胶悬剂对水稻纹枯病的防治效果 ,我们于 1998年在早稻抛秧田和单季晚稻移栽田分别进行了药剂防治试验 ,现将试验结果小结如下。1 材料与方法1.1 供试药剂2 3%宝穗胶悬剂 (有效成分为噻氟菌胺 ,美国罗门哈斯公司提供 )12 5%纹霉清水剂 (上海农乐生物制品厂 )5
In order to understand the control effect of 23% Baoshui suspension on the control of rice sheath blight, we conducted the pesticide prevention and control tests in 1998 on the rice seedling and the single-cropped late rice. The test results are summarized as follows. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 The test agent 2 3% Po earplug suspension (the active ingredient is fiuflunamil, the United States Rohm and Haas Company) 12 5% daisy mold agent (Shanghai Nongle Biological Products Factory) 5