[摘要] 目的 比较经直肠二维及三维超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检的阳性率,评价这两种方法在临床应用中的价值。 方法 选取既往无前列腺癌病史的60例直肠指检或者前列腺特异抗原(PSA)异常(>4.0ng/mL)的患者,随机分为两组,分别行2D-TRUS及3D-TRUS超声引导下的穿刺活检。 结果 3D-TRUS引导下的前列腺穿刺活检,其前列腺癌的阳性检出率高于2D-TRUS(50.0%∶36.7%),P=0.001,3D-TRUS阳性针数的比例明显高于2D-TRUS,P=0.000。 结论 3D-TRUS超声引导下的前列腺穿刺活检阳性检出率明显高于2D-TRUS。
[关键词] 经直肠前列腺超声;穿刺活检;前列腺肿瘤
[中图分类号] R445.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)24-07-04
Comparison of per rectum two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound guidance in prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy
CHANG Ying YANG Jingchun WANG Ping
Department of Ultrasound Diagnosis, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University,Beijing 100053,China
[Abstract] Objective To compare the positive rate of per rectum two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound guidance in prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy, to evaluate the value of clinical application of the two methods. Methods 60 patients with digital rectal examination or abnormal of prostatic specific antigen(PSA)(>4.0ng/mL)without past medical history of prostate cancer were divided into two groups who were respectively actualized on prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy of two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound guidance. Results The positive rate of prostatic cancer of 3D-TRUS(50.0%)in prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy was higher than which of 2D-TRUS(36.7%)(P=0.001), the number of positive needles of 3D-TRUS was obviously higher than which of 2D-TRUS(P=0.000). Conclusion The positive rate of 3D-TRUS in prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy was higher than which of 2D-TRUS.
[Key words] Prostatic ultrasound per rectum; Puncture biopsy; Prostatic neoplasms
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
全部患者均为2013年1月~ 2014年5月在首都医科大学宣武医院行前列腺穿刺活检患者,共60例,年龄47~70岁,平均(58.1±7.6)岁。所有患者均经2D-TRUS检查怀疑前列腺有局灶性病变,并且PSA升高(>4.0μg/L)。剔除已行过前列腺疾病治疗及临床上明确诊断为前列腺炎的患者及有严重心肺功能障碍、出凝血功能障碍、严重过敏史的患者。所有患者前列腺穿刺标本均经病理检查。
1.2 仪器及方法
应用飞利浦-Elite 3D经直肠探头进行实时3D超声显像及重建。超声探头频率为4~8MHz。图像扫查从尖部至基底部,图像存储穿刺针点及针道。三维所形成的前列腺图像称之为全景图像,通过重建三个角度获得的数据而获得,穿刺针发出后停留于前列腺体内,并传输到工作中。穿刺针道表现为高回声,针道的近端和远端都能够清晰显示出来。 所有入选患者进行预防性应用抗生素,并且在穿刺前12h进行清洗灌肠。检查时患者取左侧卧位,双腿屈曲,膝盖靠向下腹部。所有穿刺均由2位有5年以上穿刺经验的超声医师操作,应用18G穿刺针经行标本取材,组织条长度22mm。穿刺方案选择10点系统穿刺和目标穿刺相结合,10点系统穿刺即前列腺双侧周缘区旁正中、中部、外侧、外侧偏前和移形区各1针,目标穿刺指在超声检查所示前列腺异常声像图表现处穿刺2针。
1.3 统计学分析
2 结果
3 讨论
本研究是在2D或3D超声引导下的系统穿刺对照研究。结果显示,3D超声定位系统穿刺活检与2D超声相比明显提高了前列腺癌的阳性检出率。其原因可能是由于定位的精确性。另外,本研究还发现,两组阳性针数所占比率有着显著差异(35.2% vs 8.4%)。目前,前列腺癌的诊断遇到的挑战是明确那些有临床意义的患者。所有的前列腺穿刺必须找出有临床意义的癌。许多研究表明,不同的穿刺方案已经提高了前列腺癌的发现能力,但是很少有研究去探讨有临床意义的癌。3D超声是较易掌握、独立完成及不需要额外的材料就能进行的经直肠前列腺穿刺活检。它是唯一后期需要分析的超声图像,可以为前列腺术中做指导。除此之外,这种新型的软件需要3D图像数据和穿刺组织学数据相结合,这样更有利于靶向治疗。空间定位穿刺有助于随访患者的再次穿刺定位及PSA升高患者的穿刺定位。
[1] Heidenreich A,Bellmunt J,Bolla M,et al.EAU guidelines on prostate cancer-part 1: screening, diagnosis, and treatment of clinically localised disease[J].European Urology,2011,59(1):61-71.
[2] Siegel R,Ward E,Brawley O,et al.Cancer statistics,2011:the impact of eliminating socioeconomic and racial disparities on premature cancer deaths[J].CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians,2011,61(4):212-236.
[3] Aus G,Abbou CC,Bolla M,et al.EAU guidelines on prostate cancer[J].European Urology,2005,48(4):546-551.
[4] Schr?der FH,Carter HB,Wolters T,et al.Early detection of prostate cancer in 2007-part 1:PSA and PSA kinetics[J].European Urology,2008,53(3):468-477. [5] Salomon G,K?llerman J,Thederan I,et al. Evaluation of prostate cancer detection with ultrasound real-time elastography:a comparison with step section pathological analysis after radical prostatectomy[J].European Urology,2008,54(6):1354-1362.
[6] Hara R,Jo Y, Fujii T, et al. Optimal approach for prostate cancer detection as initial biopsy: prospective randomized study comparing transperineal versus transrectal systematic 12-core biopsy[J].Urology,2008,71(2):191-195.
[7] Eskicorapci SY,Baydar DE,Akbal C,et al. An extended 10-core transrectal ultrasonography guided prostate biopsy protocol improves the detection of prostate cancer[J].European Urology,2004,45(4):444-448.
[8] Moreira Leite KR,Camara-Lopes LHA,Dall’Oglio MF,et al.Upgrading the Gleason score in extended prostate biopsy: implications for treatment choice[J].International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,2009,73(2):353-356.
[9] Babaian RJ,Toi A,Kamoi K,et al.A comparative analysis of sextant and an extended 11-core multisite directed biopsy strategy[J].Journal of Urology,2000,163(1):152-157.
[10] Engelbrecht MRW,Barentsz JO,Jager GJ,et al. Prostate cancer staging using imaging[J]. British Journal Urology,2000,86(1):123-134.
[11] Mozer P,Baumann M,Chevreau G,et al.Mapping of transrectal ultrasonographic prostate biopsies: quality control and learning curve assessment by image processing[J]. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine,2009,28(4):455-460.
[12] Emiliozzi P,Longhi S,Scarpone P,et al.The value of a single biopsy with 12 transperineal cores for detecting prostate cancer in patients with elevated prostate specific antigen[J].Journal of Urology,2001,166(3):845-850.
[13] Presti JC,Jr.,O’Dowd GJ,Miller MC,et al.Extended peripheral zone biopsy schemes increase cancer detection rates and minimize variance in prostate specific antigen and age related cancer rates: results of a community multi-practice study[J].Journal of Urology,2003,169(1):125-129.
[14] Scattoni V, Zlotta A, Montironi R,et al.Extended and saturation prostatic biopsy in the diagnosis and characterisation of prostate cancer:a critical analysis of the literature[J].European Urology,2007,52(5):1309-1322.
[15] Wan G,Wei Z,Gardi L,et al.Brachytherapy needle deflection evaluation and correction[J]. Medical Physics,2005,32(4):902-909.
[16] Rud E,Baco E,Eggesb HB.MRI and ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy using soft image fusion[J]. Anticancer Research,2012,32(8):3383-3389. [17] Balaji KC,Fair WR,Feleppa EJ,et al.Role of advanced 2 and 3-dimensional ultrasound for detecting prostate cancer[J]. Journal of Urology,2002,168(6):2422-2425.
[18] Zhao HX,Zhu Q,Wang ZC.Detection of prostate cancer with three dimensional transrectal ultrasound: correlation with biopsy results[J]. British Journal of Radiology,2012,85:714-719.
[19] Mitterberger M,Pinggera GM,Pallwein L,et al.The value of three-dimensional transrectal ultrasonography in staging prostate cancer[J].British Journal Urology,2007,100(1):47-50.
[20] Ukimura O,Hung AJ,Gill IS. Innovations in prostate biopsy strategies for active surveillance and focal therapy[J].Current Opinion in Urology,2011,21(2):115-120.
[21] Natarajan S,Marks LS,Margolis DJA,et al.Clinical application of a 3D ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy system[J]. Urologic Oncology,2011,29(3):334-342.
[22] Ukimura O,Hung AJ,Gill IS.Innovations in prostate biopsy strategies for active surveillance and focal therapy[J].Current Opinion in Urology,2011,21(2):115-120.
[23] Overduin CG,Fütterer JJ,Barentsz JO. MRI-guided biopsy for prostate cancer detection: a systematic review of current clinical results[J].Current Urology Reports,2013,14(3):209-213.
[关键词] 经直肠前列腺超声;穿刺活检;前列腺肿瘤
[中图分类号] R445.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)24-07-04
Comparison of per rectum two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound guidance in prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy
CHANG Ying YANG Jingchun WANG Ping
Department of Ultrasound Diagnosis, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University,Beijing 100053,China
[Abstract] Objective To compare the positive rate of per rectum two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound guidance in prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy, to evaluate the value of clinical application of the two methods. Methods 60 patients with digital rectal examination or abnormal of prostatic specific antigen(PSA)(>4.0ng/mL)without past medical history of prostate cancer were divided into two groups who were respectively actualized on prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy of two-dimensional and three-dimensional ultrasound guidance. Results The positive rate of prostatic cancer of 3D-TRUS(50.0%)in prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy was higher than which of 2D-TRUS(36.7%)(P=0.001), the number of positive needles of 3D-TRUS was obviously higher than which of 2D-TRUS(P=0.000). Conclusion The positive rate of 3D-TRUS in prostatic systematicness puncture biopsy was higher than which of 2D-TRUS.
[Key words] Prostatic ultrasound per rectum; Puncture biopsy; Prostatic neoplasms
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
全部患者均为2013年1月~ 2014年5月在首都医科大学宣武医院行前列腺穿刺活检患者,共60例,年龄47~70岁,平均(58.1±7.6)岁。所有患者均经2D-TRUS检查怀疑前列腺有局灶性病变,并且PSA升高(>4.0μg/L)。剔除已行过前列腺疾病治疗及临床上明确诊断为前列腺炎的患者及有严重心肺功能障碍、出凝血功能障碍、严重过敏史的患者。所有患者前列腺穿刺标本均经病理检查。
1.2 仪器及方法
应用飞利浦-Elite 3D经直肠探头进行实时3D超声显像及重建。超声探头频率为4~8MHz。图像扫查从尖部至基底部,图像存储穿刺针点及针道。三维所形成的前列腺图像称之为全景图像,通过重建三个角度获得的数据而获得,穿刺针发出后停留于前列腺体内,并传输到工作中。穿刺针道表现为高回声,针道的近端和远端都能够清晰显示出来。 所有入选患者进行预防性应用抗生素,并且在穿刺前12h进行清洗灌肠。检查时患者取左侧卧位,双腿屈曲,膝盖靠向下腹部。所有穿刺均由2位有5年以上穿刺经验的超声医师操作,应用18G穿刺针经行标本取材,组织条长度22mm。穿刺方案选择10点系统穿刺和目标穿刺相结合,10点系统穿刺即前列腺双侧周缘区旁正中、中部、外侧、外侧偏前和移形区各1针,目标穿刺指在超声检查所示前列腺异常声像图表现处穿刺2针。
1.3 统计学分析
2 结果
3 讨论
本研究是在2D或3D超声引导下的系统穿刺对照研究。结果显示,3D超声定位系统穿刺活检与2D超声相比明显提高了前列腺癌的阳性检出率。其原因可能是由于定位的精确性。另外,本研究还发现,两组阳性针数所占比率有着显著差异(35.2% vs 8.4%)。目前,前列腺癌的诊断遇到的挑战是明确那些有临床意义的患者。所有的前列腺穿刺必须找出有临床意义的癌。许多研究表明,不同的穿刺方案已经提高了前列腺癌的发现能力,但是很少有研究去探讨有临床意义的癌。3D超声是较易掌握、独立完成及不需要额外的材料就能进行的经直肠前列腺穿刺活检。它是唯一后期需要分析的超声图像,可以为前列腺术中做指导。除此之外,这种新型的软件需要3D图像数据和穿刺组织学数据相结合,这样更有利于靶向治疗。空间定位穿刺有助于随访患者的再次穿刺定位及PSA升高患者的穿刺定位。
[1] Heidenreich A,Bellmunt J,Bolla M,et al.EAU guidelines on prostate cancer-part 1: screening, diagnosis, and treatment of clinically localised disease[J].European Urology,2011,59(1):61-71.
[2] Siegel R,Ward E,Brawley O,et al.Cancer statistics,2011:the impact of eliminating socioeconomic and racial disparities on premature cancer deaths[J].CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians,2011,61(4):212-236.
[3] Aus G,Abbou CC,Bolla M,et al.EAU guidelines on prostate cancer[J].European Urology,2005,48(4):546-551.
[4] Schr?der FH,Carter HB,Wolters T,et al.Early detection of prostate cancer in 2007-part 1:PSA and PSA kinetics[J].European Urology,2008,53(3):468-477. [5] Salomon G,K?llerman J,Thederan I,et al. Evaluation of prostate cancer detection with ultrasound real-time elastography:a comparison with step section pathological analysis after radical prostatectomy[J].European Urology,2008,54(6):1354-1362.
[6] Hara R,Jo Y, Fujii T, et al. Optimal approach for prostate cancer detection as initial biopsy: prospective randomized study comparing transperineal versus transrectal systematic 12-core biopsy[J].Urology,2008,71(2):191-195.
[7] Eskicorapci SY,Baydar DE,Akbal C,et al. An extended 10-core transrectal ultrasonography guided prostate biopsy protocol improves the detection of prostate cancer[J].European Urology,2004,45(4):444-448.
[8] Moreira Leite KR,Camara-Lopes LHA,Dall’Oglio MF,et al.Upgrading the Gleason score in extended prostate biopsy: implications for treatment choice[J].International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,2009,73(2):353-356.
[9] Babaian RJ,Toi A,Kamoi K,et al.A comparative analysis of sextant and an extended 11-core multisite directed biopsy strategy[J].Journal of Urology,2000,163(1):152-157.
[10] Engelbrecht MRW,Barentsz JO,Jager GJ,et al. Prostate cancer staging using imaging[J]. British Journal Urology,2000,86(1):123-134.
[11] Mozer P,Baumann M,Chevreau G,et al.Mapping of transrectal ultrasonographic prostate biopsies: quality control and learning curve assessment by image processing[J]. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine,2009,28(4):455-460.
[12] Emiliozzi P,Longhi S,Scarpone P,et al.The value of a single biopsy with 12 transperineal cores for detecting prostate cancer in patients with elevated prostate specific antigen[J].Journal of Urology,2001,166(3):845-850.
[13] Presti JC,Jr.,O’Dowd GJ,Miller MC,et al.Extended peripheral zone biopsy schemes increase cancer detection rates and minimize variance in prostate specific antigen and age related cancer rates: results of a community multi-practice study[J].Journal of Urology,2003,169(1):125-129.
[14] Scattoni V, Zlotta A, Montironi R,et al.Extended and saturation prostatic biopsy in the diagnosis and characterisation of prostate cancer:a critical analysis of the literature[J].European Urology,2007,52(5):1309-1322.
[15] Wan G,Wei Z,Gardi L,et al.Brachytherapy needle deflection evaluation and correction[J]. Medical Physics,2005,32(4):902-909.
[16] Rud E,Baco E,Eggesb HB.MRI and ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy using soft image fusion[J]. Anticancer Research,2012,32(8):3383-3389. [17] Balaji KC,Fair WR,Feleppa EJ,et al.Role of advanced 2 and 3-dimensional ultrasound for detecting prostate cancer[J]. Journal of Urology,2002,168(6):2422-2425.
[18] Zhao HX,Zhu Q,Wang ZC.Detection of prostate cancer with three dimensional transrectal ultrasound: correlation with biopsy results[J]. British Journal of Radiology,2012,85:714-719.
[19] Mitterberger M,Pinggera GM,Pallwein L,et al.The value of three-dimensional transrectal ultrasonography in staging prostate cancer[J].British Journal Urology,2007,100(1):47-50.
[20] Ukimura O,Hung AJ,Gill IS. Innovations in prostate biopsy strategies for active surveillance and focal therapy[J].Current Opinion in Urology,2011,21(2):115-120.
[21] Natarajan S,Marks LS,Margolis DJA,et al.Clinical application of a 3D ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy system[J]. Urologic Oncology,2011,29(3):334-342.
[22] Ukimura O,Hung AJ,Gill IS.Innovations in prostate biopsy strategies for active surveillance and focal therapy[J].Current Opinion in Urology,2011,21(2):115-120.
[23] Overduin CG,Fütterer JJ,Barentsz JO. MRI-guided biopsy for prostate cancer detection: a systematic review of current clinical results[J].Current Urology Reports,2013,14(3):209-213.