
来源 :国际汉语教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rewyuh
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本文报告了一项翻转课堂模式在美国大学中文课程中实施的行动研究。这项持续三轮的行动研究旨在运用翻转课堂,通过视频的方式将词汇和语法教学放在课前,利用现代技术构建生态化的教学环境,整合真实性的教学资源,激发学生学习兴趣,提升学生自主学习能力,为课堂上更有效地引导学生进行探究性学习并实现知识内化提供支撑。行动过程中,基于“发现问题—提出方案—采取行动—评估效果—重新界定/发现问题—调整方案/提出新方案”循环迭代的研究路径,通过实验组和对照组的学习效果比较,对学生的访谈以及教师反思与总结,探讨翻转课堂模式与对外汉语教学结合的可行性。 This article reports on an action research that flipped the classroom model into action in the Chinese course at American University. This continuous three-round action study aims to use flip-the-classroom, video and grammar teaching in front of classes, use of modern technology to build an ecologically-based teaching environment, integrate authentic teaching resources and stimulate students’ interest in learning. Enhance students’ autonomous learning ability, and provide support for more effective guidance of students in inquiry learning and knowledge internalization in the classroom. During the course of action, based on the comparison between the learning results of the experimental group and the control group, the research route of “discovering problems - putting forward plans - taking actions - evaluating effects - redefining / discovering problems - adjusting programs / proposing new programs” Interviews with students and teachers’ reflection and conclusion, to explore the feasibility of the combination of overturning classroom mode and teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
摘要 猪高热综合征的猪瘟病原检出率很高,猪瘟的控制与净化,是当前养猪业面临的重大实际问题。总结了猪瘟的综合防制措施,以期指导养猪生产。  关键词 猪瘟;猪高热综合征;防制  中图分类号S858.28文献标识码B文章编号1007-5739(2008)24-0247-02    猪瘟是一种急性、高热性、高传染性、高致死性疾病,被国际兽医局列为A类传染病,对养猪业危害极大。最近2年发生的猪高热综合征是由