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课堂教学一直以来是高等教育的核心阵地,是启发和传授知识的舞台。针对广告专业的课堂教学长期以来存在一些隐患,不能够适应广告专业的特色,以及教学对象日益更新的需求,本文结合笔者积累的课堂教学经验,针对常见的广告课堂教学的误区,从教学对象能力和价值培养的角度,总结发展出了课堂教学的现场驾驭技巧,并从教师能力培养的角度,提出了教师素质培养的要求,以便能够更充分和出色地驾驭一堂精彩而充满价值的广告课。 Classroom teaching has always been a core area of ​​higher education and a stage for enlightenment and imparting knowledge. For a long time, there are some hidden dangers in the classroom teaching of advertising major, which can not adapt to the characteristics of advertising major and the demand of teaching object renewal. Based on the author’s accumulated experience in classroom teaching and in view of the common misunderstanding of advertising classroom teaching, And the value of the training point of view, summed up the development of the classroom teaching skills of the scene control, and from the perspective of teachers’ ability training put forward the requirements of teacher quality training in order to be able to more fully and excellent control of a wonderful and valuable advertising class.