1994年3月18日下午,雄伟壮丽的人民大会堂,灯火辉煌,嘉宾满座,全国第六届自然科学成果颁奖大会在这里举行。在如潮的掌声中,满头银发的哈尔滨工业大学王仲奇教授走上主席台领奖。作为发动机弯扭叶片的发明人之一,王仲奇矢志不移,求索无止,默默耕耘,使弯扭叶片从形成理论发展到实际应用,为发动机制造业和动力机械的研究开辟了一个新的天地。王仲奇居于国际领先地位的科研成果,在世界上产生了巨大的影响。为此,他荣获国家自然科学二等奖。这是他继1993年荣获国家“光华科技基金”科研成果特等奖之后,在全国动力机械和工程热物理学科方面获得的又一最高奖励。 王仲奇的名字在动力机械学界响亮起来。面对这一切,他心潮难平:从28岁起,在弯扭叶片的研究领域中,他已摸爬滚打了34年……
On the afternoon of March 18, 1994, the grand and magnificent Great Hall of the People, with its glittering lights and distinguished guests, was held here. The 6th National Award for Natural Science Achievement Awards was held here. In the rush of applause, the silver-haired Harbin Institute of Technology professor Wang Zhongqi took the stage to accept the award. As one of the inventors of bending and twisting blade of engine, Wang Zhongqi determinedly pursued endlessly and silently cultivated so that the bending and twisting blade was developed from its formation theory to practical application, opening up a new world for the research on engine manufacturing industry and power machinery . Wang Zhongqi, a leading scientific research achievement in the world, has had a huge impact in the world. To this end, he won the second prize of the National Natural Science. This is another highest award he received in the National Thermal Machinery and Engineering Thermophysics Subsection after winning the special prize of scientific research achievements of the State “Guanghua Science and Technology Fund” in 1993. Wang Zhongqi’s name in the power mechanics community loud up. In the face of all this, he has a hard time: From the age of 28, he has fought for 34 years in the field of bending leaves.