一、填空1、在括号内填出加点字的汉语拼音纤( )维纸屑( )畸( )形塑( )料造诣( ) 干涸( )酗( )酒酝酿( )否( )极泰来 2、在下列各句的横线上填上适当的标点 (1)卷云____卷积云____积云和高积云都是很美丽的。 (2)“可怜的妈妈”,箍桶匠说____“你不知道我多爱你。____还有你,我的儿!” (3)直到十几天以后,这才陆续的知道她家里还有严厉的婆婆;一个小叔子,十多岁,能打柴了____她是春天没了丈夫的;他本来也打柴为生,比她小十岁____大家所知道的就只是这一
First, fill in the blanks 1. In the brackets, fill in the Chinese characters of the Chinese Pinyin Fiber () Dimensional Confetti () Abnormal () Shape () Material 诣 () Cognac () 酗 () Wine brewing () No () 2. Fill in the appropriate punctuation on the horizontal lines of the following sentences (1) Cirrus clouds ____ Cirrocumulus clouds ____ Cumulus clouds and cumulus clouds are all very beautiful. (2) “poor mother”, the hooper says, ____ “You don’t know how much I love you. ____And you, my son!” (3) It took ten days to know her one after another. There was a strict mother-in-law at home; a little brother-in-law was more than a dozen years old and was able to firewood. She had no husband in the spring; he had also made a living for firewood and was ten years younger than her. ____ All we know is this one