大国情结要不得中国自古自称“上国”,这个中国先人给自己国家颁发的封号,要比现在所说的“大国”、甚至“超级大国”还要风光,还要尊贵。一切外邦小国,我们先人都把他们看成蛮、狄,都是些虫子野兽一类的东西,一直不给他们正眼青睐。但是,曾几何时,这么一个风光了几千年的大国一下子就变成了穷国、弱国, 一度竟濒于亡国。是国人不慧吗?不是。中国人一个个都很精明,几乎都很能算计。是他人忽然间生出了三头六臂,把我们盖过去了吗?不是。单个比试也不一定能把我们怎样,
It is not necessary for China to claim the “big power” with China since ancient times. The title China’s predecessors gave to their own countries is even more spectacular than the so-called “great powers” or even “superpowers.” All foreign nations, our ancestors regarded them as barbaric, Di, are some things like beasts and beasts, has not given them favor. However, once upon a time, such a grand-state with a few thousand years of scenery suddenly turned into a poor country and a weak one, and was on the verge of extinction. Is it not good people do not? One by one, the Chinese are very smart, almost able to calculate. Is it that all of a sudden someone else has three heads and six heads over us? A single test is not necessarily how we can,