In recent years, the state has enacted a series of laws and regulations for the protection of young people and has implemented it conscientiously, and has properly protected the legitimate rights and interests of young people and prevented and reduced juvenile delinquency. Local primary and secondary schools invited comrades engaged in political and legal work to make special lectures at schools, organized moot courts, opened legal publicity columns and conducted publicity and education activities. However, with the development of socialist market economy and the infiltration and influence of western ideology and culture, some new changes have taken place in the family, school and society, and the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency has become more prominent. The statistics of China Youth Juvenile Crime Society show that in recent years, the total number of juvenile delinquency accounts for more than 70% of the total number of criminal offenses in the country. Among them, 14-year-old juvenile delinquency cases account for more than 70% of the total number of juvenile delinquency cases and the number of criminals has been increasing year by year. Present to the younger age, gang, vicious development trend. Juvenile delinquency is listed as the third largest public hazard in the world after drug trafficking, drug trafficking and environmental pollution. 80 years ago, Mr. Lu Xun shouted in “Madman’s Diary,” a cry of cries: “Save the Children!” Today, these four words are still so stirring. All of us have to face this reality.