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  Do you like reading books? The British do. In fact a recent survey showed that reading is a more popular pastime among British adults than sex! Yet British libraries have been getting fewer and fewer visitors for the last 20 years, so just what is going on?
  In 1997, the Net Book Agreement注1 in the UK ended. The Agreement existed between UK
  bookshops and publishers, and fixed minimum prices for all books. With the end of the Agreement, books began to be discounted, and now they are much more affordable for British people. There is no doubt that one of the reasons for British libraries having fewer visitors is that books can now be so cheap to buy. Sales of books in the UK are always relatively healthy. They even go up during a recession or 1)credit crunch, since people spend on books rather than going out to restaurants. And what do the British like to read? Well, here are a few of the most popular genres.
  The UK has always been famous for its stories of magic and 2)wizardry. There are strong cultural memories
  of the druids注2 who built Stonehenge and ruled the country before the arrival of the Romans or Christianity. Shakespeare wrote the fantastical plays The Tempest and A Midsummer Nights Dream. J.R.R. Tolkien is credited
  with creating the modern genre of fantasy, with The Hobbit
  in 1937, but there was also a lot of fantasy in the work of H.G. Wells, who published The Time Machine in 1895. And the tradition of British fantasy is still alive and kicking.
  Everyone’s heard of J.K. Rowling and the humorous Terry Pratchett注3. You might also have heard of Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy, too, as the first book was made into the film The Golden Compass, starring Nicole Kidman. In fact, the fantasy genre is so popular that new sub-genres such as “3)metaphysical fantasy” and “steampunk注4” are now emerging.
  Chick Lit注5
  Chick lit refers to books that are written about and for modern women. The most famous example is probably
  Bridget Jones’s Diary, by the British author Helen
  Fielding. Titles in this genre are usually about
  complicated love lives, modern working life and trying
  to remain healthy. These books usually always
  contain humour or a 4)feel-good factor. In many ways, they represent 5)escapist fantasy, but are persuasive
  because they deal with day-to-day topics.
  The UK is known for its “detective fiction” and “murder mysteries.” A couple of the most famous British authors in this genre are of course Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who started the Sherlock Holmes
  stories in 1887, and Agatha Christie注6, who created
  the detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. These characters are still popular on television and in film. In fact, the latest Sherlock Holmes film has just been made注7, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, and directed by Guy Ritchie. Yet there are
  6)contemporary British authors of crime fiction who are also popular, and they include P.D. James, Ian Rankin and Colin Dexter.
  Celebrity (Auto)biographies
  It seems that every minor celebrity has written a book these days. They’re not really serious authors and are simply 7)cashing in on their 8)15 minutes of fame. Many of their books are “9)kiss and tell,” i.e. they’re of interest to readers only because of the secrets they reveal about other famous people. A number of the books are not even written by the
  celebrity themselves – rather, they have been written by anonymous “10)ghostwriters.” Even so, this genre is popular because celebrity culture is well-developed in the UK.
  Is the book dead? As you can see from the above, the book’s alive and well, so don’t call in Sherlock Holmes just yet. Are bookshops dying out because of websites like Amazon? Not really. The British are 11)bibliophiles and love to browse in
  bookshops, particularly when there is a coffee bar within the store. So, are libraries
  completely disappearing in the UK? Well, it’s true that 40 public libraries closed in England alone in 2007, but the others are surviving because they now offer computer access and training
  as well as books for borrowing. Finally, 62% of British parents read their children bedtime stories and none of us can see that tradition changing soon. So long live the book!
Family Life  My family has always been really cool because they have said to me, “We’re 100% behind this dream, but if you have another dream tomorrow, we’ll be 100%   behind that, too.” So it’s a rea
无论在语文课还是英语课上,我们都学习过不少寄情于景的文章,以下也是一篇将心情与环境巧妙地融合在一起的文章。“我”跟随妈妈来到一个陌生的地方,那里怪里怪气、冷冷清清的,就像屋外的暴风雪,让人捉摸不透、抑郁不安。本文语言简单,描写细腻,同学们不妨学习一下作者如何将“我”对突如其来的新环境产生的陌生、害怕又无可奈何的感觉融入到环境的描写当中。    When we got to the strange
还记得在《暮光之城》中不起眼、甚至有点土气的泰勒·洛特纳吗?在这套超人气系列电影的第二部中,洛特纳的改变可让人刮目相看——他不仅剪短了头发,还练就了一副完美身材,变身为可以与万人迷  罗伯特·帕丁森同台竞争的“狼人”。这位即将迎来18岁生日的小伙子前途无可限量啊!    Taylor Lautner fought to hold on to the role of Jacob   Black, B
不知道从什么时候开始,很多人喜欢在开心网、博客、空间等转载澳门美食地图。大利来猪扒包、  沙度娜木糠布甸、安德鲁饼店葡挞、冯记猪脚姜、雅馨缅甸美食、礼记冰淇淋、荣记豆腐面食、钜记手信、恒友鱼旦……(Rico抢着说:“还有陈光记烧腊店的烧鸭、盛记白粥的绿茶豆腐花……”被pia飞)只要想起这些,Grace总想马上飞奔到澳门,一次吃个够。所以打算到澳门玩的同学,千万不要错过这些美食哦!    Macau
An emperor in the Far East was growing old and knew it was time to choose his successor[继承者]. Instead of choosing one of his assistants or his children, he   decided on something different. He called
还记得我们今年8月号“新闻广角镜”里介绍的纸屋吗?这次我们在美国又发现了稻草屋。稻草还能造房子?一起来看看这种新型的环保建筑材料。    In the story of the three little pigs, the one who built his house of straw did not fare[进展,遭遇] well; the big, bad wolf huffed[吹气]
The Idea  This all began on the train to Cardiff注1,   1)appropriately enough, because Mark and I were both working on different episodes of Dr. Who注2, and we sit on the train together – we always get
以前一说起澳门,人们总是马上想到它的博彩业,但近年来澳门大力发展多元经济,博彩业已经不是吸引人们到澳门旅游的唯一原因了。  从地图上看,你会发现澳门真的很小,不仔细看的话很可能就错过了。但小也有其好处——每走两步就是一个景点,很适合喜欢闲逛的游客。澳门的经济或许比不上香港,也不是购物天堂,但其浓郁的殖民地气息及恬静悠闲的氛围吸引着游客的到来。  葡萄牙对澳门的殖民统治长达四百多年,其影响渗透至澳门
You were in college  Working part-time waitin’ tables  Left a small town  Never looked back  I was a flight risk  With a fear of fallin’  Wondering why we bother with love  If it never lasts    I say,
你试想过如果福尔摩斯与华生穿越到21世纪会怎样吗——身处手机、电脑与网络的包围,贝克街221号乙与高楼林立的背景遥相呼应,还有先进的实验室设备以及现代法医学协助破案?2010年当之无愧的年度英剧《新福尔摩斯》将无数粉丝一直以来的幻想变为现实,让年轻的福尔摩斯与华生踏遍伦敦的大街小巷,展开全新的探案历险之旅!  这部每集长达90分钟的迷你剧原本只打算制作三集,谁知一开播就受到评论与粉丝的一致好评,成