为了确定乌苏里拟鲿(Pseudobagrus ussuriensis)体表溃疡症的病因,在无菌操作下从发病鱼的溃疡灶边缘、脾、肾中分离病原菌;利用湿片法对鳃组织、体表黏液和肠道内容物压片,观察寄生虫寄生;利用病理学技术观察病鱼的病理损伤特点,分析病因。结果发现,采用BHI培养基作为该病例的首次分离培养基效果不佳,未见细菌生长。该病损伤的主要靶器官为皮肤肌肉、脾脏、头肾和体肾,所有鱼均主要表现为溃疡性坏死性皮炎和脂膜炎,脾炎和间质性肾炎。还可见轻微的灶性坏死性鳃炎。眼、脑、肝脏、心脏、消化道、鳔等未见明显病理改变。将病变组织的石蜡切片进行吉姆萨染色,在肌肉组织内可发现大量细长、可弯曲,犹如“乱发样”细菌。此外,在病灶内还可见少量真菌菌丝。综上结果,判定该病为细菌和真菌共同感染引起。证明了病理学技术在该病诊断中的重要作用。
In order to determine the cause of surface ulcer in Pseudobagrus ussuriensis, the pathogen was isolated from the edge, spleen and kidney of ulcer lesions of diseased fish under aseptic conditions. Intestinal contents of tablets, observe the parasite parasites; the use of pathological techniques to observe the characteristics of pathological lesions of sick fish, analyze the etiology. The results showed that the use of BHI medium as the first isolation of the media ineffective, no bacterial growth. The main target organ damage in the disease is skin muscle, spleen, head kidney and body kidney. All the fish are mainly manifested as ulcerative necrotizing and panniculitis, spleen and interstitial nephritis. Also see a slight focal necrosis gill inflammation. Eye, brain, liver, heart, digestive tract, 鳔 no obvious pathological changes. Paraffin sections of diseased tissue are subjected to Giemsa staining and a large number of slender, bendable, “messy” bacteria are found in the muscle tissue. In addition, a small amount of fungal hyphae can be seen within the lesion. In summary, the disease was identified as a common bacterial and fungal infection. Proved the important role of pathology in the diagnosis of the disease.