1994年秋天,税务机构分设时,具有多年税收工作经验的刘相忠同志走马上任淮阳县地税局局长。当时的地税局是怎样一幅景象啊! ——分局的13个地方税种象散落的芝麻分布在全县各个角落;办公楼多处漏雨,家属。房在风雨中飘摇;分到地税局的干部职工嫌牌子低,政治上有失落感,工作上有负重感,经济上有危机感,人心思走,人心思散……
In the autumn of 1994, when the tax authorities were divided, Comrade Liu Xiangzhong, with many years of taxation work experience, took office as the director of the local tax bureau in Huaiyang County. At the time the Inland Revenue Department is a picture of what ah! - Branch of the 13 local taxes like scattered scattered in all corners of the county sesame; office leaks in many places, relatives. Housing in the wind and rain sway; assigned to the Inland Revenue Department of cadres and workers suspected of brand name low, political sense of loss, there is a sense of weight on the job, the economy has a sense of crisis, the mind go, people scattered thoughts ......