1病例报道患者,男,38岁,因“反复鼻塞伴流涕4月”入院。诊断为:①鼻中隔偏曲。②慢性鼻窦炎。查血、尿常规,肝、肾功能及凝血功能,B超、胸片及心电图均无异常,既往无泌尿系统及肝胆系统结石病史。在全身麻醉下行功能性鼻内窥镜术,手术顺利。术后予以头孢曲松钠3.0 g,2次/d,静脉滴注抗感染及止血治疗共4天,患者于术后第2天开始出现左侧腰背部及左下
1 case reported patients, male, 38 years old, because of “repeated nasal congestion with runny nose April” admission. Diagnosed as: ① nasal septum deviation. ② chronic sinusitis. Check the blood, urine, liver, kidney function and coagulation, B ultrasound, chest X-ray and ECG were normal, no previous history of urinary tract stones and hepatobiliary system. Under general anesthesia functional nasal endoscopy, the operation goes well. After ceftriaxone sodium 3.0 g, 2 times / d, intravenous infusion of anti-infection and hemostasis for 4 days, the patient began to appear on the left after 2 days of the lower back and left lower back